Plant Branch

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****The End is near for this story Guys. Hold on to your seats! :)

Chapter 21

01:02PM, Gwangju

Sulli and Heechul went to eat at the school canteen.

“I’m sorry, because of my husband we are only to eat lunch now.” Said Sulli.

“It’s ok.” Said Heechul. “I can’t believe he allowed you to go with me.”

“Why will it surprise you? He knows we were pretty close back then.” asked Sulli.

“He seemed to be jealous earlier.” Said Heechul. “He was being overly sweet with you and intentionally being hard to please.”

Minho was being too obvious.

Sulli smiled.

“I think his jealous side is cute.” said Sulli.

“Is there nothing about him that pisses you off? You seem to see him as perfect.” Said Heechul.

“Hmm… I don’t know. He’s a really cool. He has a lot of wisdom when I talk to him.” Said Sulli. “He makes me a better person.”

“He’s lucky to have you.” Said Heechul.

I’m lucky to have him.” corrected Sulli.

Heechul sighed.

“When did you get married?” asked Heechul

“A few weeks ago. It’s very recent. We did not invite people. We only got a short church ceremony and then registered the papers.” Said Sulli.

“He looks rich. Why won’t he give you a proper wedding?” asked Heechul.

Hmm… it’s a valid question.

“There were some situations in Seoul where we had to register the wedding as soon as possible.” Said Sulli. “There was no time to prepare a celebration.”

“No matter what happens, a woman like you deserves a beautiful wedding.” Said Heechul.

Sulli supressed a smile. She’s reminded of why it was so easy to like Heechul when she was younger.

“I am not the ambitious type.” Said Sulli. “I loved the intimate wedding. My mom was there. That was enough for me.”

“That’s what’s so nice about you, Sulli. You’re simple. Simplicity is what sets you apart from others.” Said Heechul.

Sulli just smiled.

“Is your wife also simple?” asked Sulli.

Heechul took a moment to answer.

“It’s ex-wife now. We… got a divorce late last year.” Said Heechul.

“Oh… really? I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” said Sulli.

Heechul shook his head.

“No, don’t worry about it.” Said Heechul. “It’s for the best. The marriage was not going anywhere.”

“I am sad to hear that… Puff is a nice girl.” Said Sulli.

“Regardless of what happened in the past?” asked Heechul.

Sulli nodded.

“The only problem I had with Puff was that she was so in love with you.” Said Sulli. “If we weren’t caught in a love triangle, I think she would be a good friend, not that I was interested in making friends back then.”

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