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Almost two years had passed since Joey met the love of his life Elena. Life doesn't get any better that Elena's parents fully supports the two. Elena still works in LA and Joey totally understands as he got a career in New York too. Neither one of them wants to move just to be together. The relationship is surprisingy more mature than one would expect. The gang really likes Elena as she brings out the best in Joey. She gets along pretty well with the three girls and the guys- well the guys totally dig her. And Joey has to keep on reminding them that they are married guys with families and that Elena is his woman.

The Bings pretty much are still living the happy life. The couple makes enough money to send the twins to a private school. This year, the twins are turning 7 and Monica and Chandler are still thinking of the perfect celebration.

Phoebe and Mike have the busiest lives of all the friends. Ken is a second grade student, still into acting and now soccer. Regina is in kindergarten and is learning how to play the guitar, and Lily is turning two in a couple of months. She runs around the house and Phoebe likes chasing her as a part of her workout.
Mike's law firm is doing great and has a lot of clients. He's always busy but he makes sure that weekends is strictly for the family. He doesn't play at the piano bar anymore because of his hectic schedule but decided to buy the place so he still has control over it. Business is doing good and they couldn't get any happier.

Ross and Rachel welcomed their second baby Ella last year. She looks just like her mom which made Rachel very very happy. She giggles when Fashion TV is on and she likes to play with toy make ups. She's most likely to follow her mommy's footsteps in the fashion world.

Season 2 will mostly be about Joey and Elena to give Joey's story a conclusion just like the other friends. This will also probably be the last part. But I still don't know. Thanks for reading!

F.R.I.E.N.D.S : Life After Central Perk [PART 2]Where stories live. Discover now