The One With the Gay Talk (Part 1)

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It's Sunday and the Bings are having breakfast together. Monica and Chandler decided to ask the twins what presents they want for their birthday

CHAN: Kids, we figured it's your birthday in two weeks. What do you want to do?

JACK: I don't know about that dad although I know what I want to have.

CHAN: What is it Jack-jack?

JACK: An apron and an easy-bake oven.

CHAN: Oh, you might as well ask us to buy you a vacuum cleaner too because you're becoming more and more like mommy now.

JACK: Oh yeah, that one too.

CHAN: Can you please ask us something more manly? Like, I don't know, a scooter? A bike? A Play Station?

MON: Chandler, what is the matter with you?!

CHAN: What is the matter with me?! Come here.

Chandler leads Monica to their bedroom so that the kids wouldn't hear them.

CHAN: What if he turns out to be like my dad?! What if he becomes a- Helena Handbasket?!

MON: Just because he's interested in cooking and cleaning doesn't mean he's going to be like Charles. And what if he does? Are you going to treat him any differently?

CHAN: Of course not. Okay, I see your point now. I'm sorry. I just don't know how to- you know I had a hard time growing up. My parents weren't the best teachers a growing child could have.

MON: I know, I'm sorry too for raising my voice at you. It's just.. I love our kids so much and I will not let anyone or anything hurt them in any way.

CHAN: I know hun. Me too.

Chandler kisses Monica on the forehead and the two shared a hug before going back to the living room where the twins are waiting

CHAN: Jack, if you want to have an easy-bake oven, you're gonna get one for your birthday okay? And a vacuum cleaner, although I figured you can get one from mommy's collection. What about you Erica? What do you want?

ERICA: I want a dog.

CHANDLER: Oh god. My children are going to kill me.

Ross and Rachel are getting the hang of having two daughters now. Emma is becoming more and more independent and usually takes care of little Ella after school. She's now eight years old and is on top of her class, much to her parents' delight, especially Ross. On her seventh birthday, her parents surprised her with her very own telescope. Her room is filled with space-related stuff and she aspires to be an astronaut someday. Ross couldn't be more proud

Rachel, carrying Ella, went to see what Emma's been up to for the past three hours. She just ate breakfast and went straight back to her room which is very unusual because she likes playing with Ella on weekends

RACH: Hey sweetie. Mind if I come in? What's that you're doing?

EMMA: Hi mom. Sure. I'm just finishing this model of the solar system for a school presentation tomorrow.

RACH: Wow! That's really nice! Has daddy seen your work?

EMMA: Not yet. Look mom, it gets better.

Emma pushed a little button on the side of the base. Suddenly, the planets start to orbit around the sun

RACH: Seriously, sweetheart, you're freaking me out. How did you get to be so smart? I think you're smarter than your dad. Don't tell him I said that.  You know daddy can't take the L.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S : Life After Central Perk [PART 2]Where stories live. Discover now