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The sun shines the brightest at noon.

Atsumu stood beside the older, anxiously looking around the empty stage to avoid everyone's eyes. A crowded room normally didn't leave the male sweating nervously; it wasn't even that crowded since there were other people from 3 different bands. He deemed it to only be hot in here, and that his nerves weren't the cause of his demeanor.

The band was currently at the Bamboo Rock venue, their second and last day of rehearsal was about to commence after the light instructions. They were going over the order of the performances; the Black Jackals- consisting of Atsumu, Hinata, Sakusa, and Bokuto, to perform last. Yesterday ran smoothly as the bands properly cooperated with the set up and the order. The only thing unusual was that the main vocalist of a certain band wasn't using his voice for the last song.

"Alright, any questions? No? Good," Daichi, the owner of the place clapped his hands to signal the others to get to work. They dispersed, testing and getting their instruments ready as the first band was up for practice. The first band remained on the black stage, the spotlights casted upon them as they were discussing amongst themselves. As the band was ready to play, the Black Jackals made their way to the bar from across the room.

The ginger's pout brought attention to Atsumu, in which he raised his eyebrow. It's little things like these that the blonde realized almost too quickly to notice. Surely, Sakusa knew their past, he was in the center of it- but that didn't mean he wouldn't be jealous at all every time his boyfriend's ex would pay close attention to Hinata.

"What is it?" Sakusa questioned before Atsumu could. The singer's mouth closed shut, this time he was observing from afar rather than standing with them.

"I had a question but everyone left already," the shorter sighed.

"What's your question?"

"If we're allowed to drink before it's our turn to perform!"

Atsumu couldn't tell if Hinata was joking or not. He knew that his tiny little body couldn't handle more than an ounce of alcohol well. It was almost embarrassing to see him make a fool of himself without even trying.

The curly haired male only scoffed at such an idea, "There's no way you're drinking at all, you'd make a mess." Bokuto gave a hefty laugh, slinging his arm around the shorter male as he placed his chin on his shoulder.

"One shot can't hurt this little guy!"

"Who are you calling little? I grew!" Hinata shouted while crossing his arms. "And I wasn't only talking about drinking, I meant if we can just chill in the audience instead of watching from backstage," he explained. Atsumu rolled his eyes at the ludicrous question, but the small smirk plastered on his face displayed his amusement.

"I'm sure that's fine if we ask Daichi-san," the germaphobe confirmed, cleaning the neck of his bass guitar with sanitized wipes. Although, the thought of being close to hundreds of sweaty bodies didn't seem appealing to Sakusa. Both Hinata and Bokuto cheered together, even more excited about the day of the concert while ignoring the nauseated face on Sakusa.

"Why do ya guys wanna watch from the audience so badly?" Atsumu finally spoke, his voice wasn't warmed up yet.

"You should see how people are on stage, it's so cool! They have a presence that goes like- like-" Hinata's rambles turned into swift hand motions. Bokuto nods in agreement as if he understood exactly what the shorter meant. He glanced at Atsumu as the drummer sat down on a nearby chair.

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