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The sun drifted farther away.

Atsumu's patience was wearing out by the minute. He was all dressed up in a light pink collared button-up shirt that compliments the black dress pants. However, he wasn't sure if it was going to be worth it if Hinata wasn't going to be home soon.

Right now, he was waiting for Hinata in his car by his house. They had agreed that the older would pick them up for a dinner date. A date that Atsumu had been looking forward to- but Hinata wasn't home right now. He hadn't texted or called his boyfriend that he would be running late. He was worried that Hinata was lost or that someone had abducted him, but he remained calm. He needed to remain rational.

The digital clock struck 20:00, 30 minutes after the scheduled reservation. Currently, he was ringing Hinata's phone for the tenth time before he looked up and spotted a blur of orange running inside the house. Trying to calm himself down, he got out of the car and made his way to the house. The door wasn't properly closed due to Hinata being in a hurry. He was thumping and stomping all over the place, stumbling on the rugged carpet and pieces of furniture. Atsumu watched the person in distress as the other disappeared in his room to change.

While waiting once again, he sat on the couch. The house smelled just like Hinata; he tried to focus his senses on that for distraction. Atsumu's nerves were all over the place, hoping that the words he'd say wouldn't betray his struggling composure. Looking at his phone to check the time, several minutes had already passed, and he hoped he'd still be able to spend time with his boyfriend.

Hinata closed his bedroom door before making his way to the living room. His clothes were neat- dress shirt tucked in, all the way buttoned up- despite rushing his way into them. His orange locks were still a spiky mess, swaying in every direction. He was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling- in sync to the pounding headache that Atsumu had that was slowly increasing.

He walked towards the door without giving a single glance to the irritated twin. Hinata's knuckles were white from clutching his phone too tightly. "Ok, let's go-"

"Where were you?" he interrupted him. He wanted an explanation first so that this situation wouldn't tug at his heartstrings. Atsumu hoped he didn't appear bitter, but the tone in his voice differed. Sure, they'd be late than before, but perhaps this talk would redeem that.

Hinata's hand was already on the doorknob until he let go to turn around, facing his boyfriend for the first time that day. "With my friends," he gave a vague response, a response that Atsumu wasn't looking for. He already knew who from the moment the other's words left his tongue. He knew that it was probably just one friend. The golden hair still wanted to hear it from him though; he didn't feel like playing any games.

"Who?" he asked. His heart was beating faster by the second, not sure if his anger will be contained any longer.



"Let's just go already," Hinata as he unlocked the entrance door. It was halfway opened when Atsumu grabbed his wrist. His blood was now boiling, confused and frustrated as to why the shorter couldn't admit the truth. He knew where this would lead to, wasting time on his own petty curiosity instead of driving.

"You were with Kiyoomi, weren't you?" he assumed. Atsumu felt the younger stiffen before pulling away his wrist. It left a red mark, in which the faux-blonde didn't notice how tightly he gripped it.

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