Dating them would include

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- Him being stubborn a lot
-Him not wanting to show his vauurnrable side.
-Him constantly singing for you and playing his songs at full blast
-Making tik toks with him
- Sleeping in
- Going hat shopping all the time because he thinks he needs more
- Him being super cute when your alone
-being a baby with you
-Skating dates
-Being lowkey horny all the time
-taking baths together and singing
-helping him dye his hair from brown-blond-black

-Lots of Neck kisses
-Him being sensitive with little things you say
- Him getting jealous
-You constantly stealing all of his cloths
- Being super gentle in bed
- Him acting super horny around the boys
-Always being together because he's clingy
-Chick-fil-a and Taco Bell runs all the time
- Watching disney movies on repeat
-Him not handling sarcasm well
-Him wanting to make out but always getting shot down
-Starts randomly kissing you
-Him making sure his hair is perfect before seeing you

-Constant make out sessions
-Him actually being the absolute cutest boyfriend ever
-Him being a SIMP
- Him making stupid tik toks while you judge him
-Him not being particularly gentle in bed but he hypes you up
- Playing with his hair while he lays on you
-Him being protective over you
-LOTS of physical affection
-Late night drives while blasting music
-Him trying to do your hair but failing miserably
-His mom loving you
-Never wanting the talk about his ex because you hate her

-Him being adorable
-His mom cooking for you guys
-Ok he's 100% horny but hides it until you guys are alone
-Boba dates>>
-Him always being there for you when you need him
-Him not wanting to get out of bed in the morning
-Your family loving him
-✨immaculate vibes✨
-cute tik toks with him
- Him rubbing your inner thigh
-Him being a gentlemen
-Going on dates a lot
-Him calling you beautiful
-Holding hands everywhere you guys go

-Calling you mamas
-Being am animal in bed
-Loving the boys more then you
-Giving you all the love and affection
-Playing hide and seek and him winning
-Him trying his best to help you cook for the boys
-Sitting on his lap
-Nose kisses>>>>
-Him being head over heals for you
-Him reminding you how important you are to him
-Getting you snacks randomly
-Binging Netflix
-Ice cream dates? Obviously
-You loving his style

-Watching Garfield
-Getting exited for holidays together, especially Christmas
-Him thinking he's not good enough for you
-You comforting him and making sure he know he is
-Clingyyyyyy af
-Him making sure you know how important you are
-Gets along great with your family
-You get along great with his family also
-On his mid 25/8
-Whole new person when your alone
-Cutie on the internet
-Loving his glasses
-Telling him he should let his hair grow out more
-Bugging the rest of the house together
-You guys being super outgoing

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