What he does on your period

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-Gets you ice cream
-Gives you an even balance of attention and alone time
-Sleeps in with you instead of getting up with the boys
-He plays with your hair
-You watch lots of movies

-Try's to not take it personally when you yell at him
-Lots of cuddles
-Buys you anything you want
-Try's to cook for you
-Gets upset because period sex is gross

-Sings for you
-You guys cuddle while watching YouTube
-Him getting scared when you yell at him
-Taking baths together
-Letting you play with his FRIED hair

-Him buying you PADS and TAMPONS
-Cuddles are a must
-Watching titanic with you on repeat
-Getting you food from his moms restaurant
-Makes tik toks with you

-Baby's you
-Gets you surprises every 2 seconds to make you happy
-Low-key kinda scared of you
-always making sure your okay
-letting you go on rants to him

-him thinking your dying at first
-you having to explain everything to him every two seconds
-him not knowing what to do
-panicking and getting you snacks
-Finally understanding and laying with you

Sway Boy  preferences/imagines Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora