Chapter 5 - The Internship

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***WARNING: This will contain abuse, cuss words, and near starvation if you don't like that then read with caution or don't read at all.***

Peters POV~

My alarm goes off at 5 am but I just lay there in Vex's lap for a while till I decide to get up feeling a bit, probably from the lack of food and water but I still go about my day and arrive at school. I go to my school and head to my homeroom. Halfway through class the speakers say, "Peter Parker to the office, Peter Parker to the office" I start getting really anxious thinking about what I did wrong. Flash says, "OOOOH Penis is in trouble~" I roll my eyes after getting the "ok" from the teacher and leave while Vex tries to reassure me that it's nothing. I then walk into the office and the secretary looks at me then points at the principal's office.

I walk in and say, "H-hello Ms.Morita d-did I do s-something wrong?". She looks surprised but then says, "no sweetie, actually I have some good news for you" "oh", I say surprised. "Anyways, congrats Peter! You got the internship you start today after school at 4:00pm . Here's you I.D.!", "she says excitedly. Vex is screaming out of happiness as I am at a loss for words but then says, "t-thank you Ms.Morita''. I then leave her office with a huge grin on my face.

I then go about the rest of my school day, get bullied by Flash, yada-yada. Then I pick up the kids from school and drop them off at the orphanage, get a beating from Lady Satan, and tell the kids I will be back by 7:00pm. I Then Leave at 4:00 pm and head to Stark towers.

(Ok so you might've already figured this out but Captain America and Ironman are on good terms)

So I arrived at the Tower and signed into the front desk by a nice lady named Cathy. She wishes me good luck and I make my way into the elevator to be greeted by F.R.I.D.A.Y. and she says, "Hello Mr.Parker where would you like to go?". I say, "Floor 86 please, and also you can call me Peter Ms.Friday". "Ok Peter...Peter, you seem to be dehydrated, and starving you also have bruises all over you body, some glass in your head, a black-eye and two bruised ribs. Shall I notify Mr.Stark?", she says sounding as concerned as a robot can get. "No thanks Ms.Friday. I will get it sorted out at home", I lie hoping she believes me. Dude I don't think you should lie to her, let her help please. No vex besides what will Mr.Stark think having to take care of his intern that can do it himself? Yeah no thanks. Finally the elevator stops and I step out to see Mr.Stark talking to Pepper Potts.

"H-hello? I'm here for an internship", I say, trying not to be rude. Mr.Stark turns around and says, "ah you must be Peter Parker, you know who I am already so how about we just get to work?" I say ok and we start working on some projects."I have this one project that I just can't get right can you give it a go?", Mr.Stark says looking at me. "S-sure Mr.Stark, let me have a look" (5 minutes later) "oh! The (insert something that made the project go boom boom) was causing trouble in the (insert project name here) so if you move this here and then change that and use this it should work!" I say cheerily. "Oh wow! How did I not notice this thanks kid!", he says surprised he then raises his hand to pat me on the back but I flinch back thinking he's going to hit me so I close my eyes. But I never feel him hit me so I slowly open my eyes to see Mr.Stark with a worried expression. "I-is everything ok-ay M-mr.Stark?"I say worried about his expression. "Y-yeah, umm a-are you ok kid?", he asks, still concerned about why I flinched. "Yep, shall we continue Mr.Stark", I said, sounding cheery once again. "Y-yeah, yeah sure kiddo, and call me Tony, Mr.Stark makes me sound old", he said, still sounding suspicious.

We then decided to work on Mr.Starks suit while chatting with each other every now and then, he mainly asked me about my parents. Eventually it became 7:00 pm so we finished up and Mr.Stark offered to drive me home. "No, thanks Mr.Stark I can just take the subway", I lied, I'm not allowed to take the subway. "Nonsense c'mon no intern of mine will take the subway home!"he says, sounding enthusiastic about driving me back. "Ok fine, just drop me off at SunnySide orphanage", I said, sounding defeated. ""W-wait you're an orphan, why didn't you say that earlier?", he says. "Didn't want to be pitied by you, I guess", I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "I wouldn't pity you kid, let's just try not keep secrets from each other, ok?", he says. Oh you don't even know. Ok I mumble as we head for the elevator.

Oh sit oh shit I forgot about F.R.I.D.A.Y. what am I gonna do? "Sir it appears as though Peter is malnourished with several injuries and might pass out from exhaustion.", says F.R.I.D.A.Y. as I start swaying about to pass out receiving a concerned look from Vex. Pete are you ok? No answer Peter! What? Are you ok? No. Mr.Stark looks at me concerned after hearing F.R.I.D.A.Y. say that and notice my swaying. "Peter let me take you to medbay, you don't look so good.", Mr.Stark says, booking surprisingly concerned, but it's too late and I pass out in his arms.

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