The next morning

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The next morning I woke up to clashing pans I hoped me getting kidnapped was just all a dream but when i woke up I wasn't in my room"Damn it" I whispered and I felt a arm swing around me when I tried to get up I looked over and saw Connor in his birthday suit while i was in the same thing.

'Oh my god did we really just.....oh my gosh god please help me now and hurt the kidnappers that kidnapped me' I thought and soon my moms face popped up in my head and I burst out crying sobbing and Connor flung up causing me to jump and fall off the bed but I didn't care I just kept crying and sobbing Connor got off the bed and ran to me "babygirl what's wrong what happened?"Connor said while looking hurt and concern

I shook my head hands on my face not wanting to look at this monster I just had sex with last night I did wanted too but I didn't want too lose my virginity like that to my kidnapper I wanted to lose it to my one true love I wanted to lose it when I get married with my one true love but no now I cant cause my stupid ass self just did something wrong.

If I was still with my mom and listen to what she said about 'stay where there are lots of cars and people but no I couldn't do that I disobeyed my mother now I know she's worried about me I wish my dad hadn't divorced mom he would have been drove me there to Xanna house I couldn't ask my mother because she don't have a car.

I'm getting really mad and sick and tired of this bullshit even tho I've just been here 1 day I'm escaping my ass out so all I have to do is just play along with my kidnappers make them think I'm gonna be a good girl and a angel to them but really---'

Connor cut me took me out of thought and I swung my head up with a giant smile that made Connor flinch back looking scared "I'm the one that's supposed to be scared here!"I yelled at him in fierce and he looked surprised"Who are you yelling at cause I'm sure its not me and why would you be scared why would I be scared?!"Connor asked with as serous voice.

"When I put that stalker creepy smile and swung my head up really fast you flinch back looking scared dumbass and I'm supposed to be scared because well you guys kidnapped me and I had sex with you and I'm probably never gonna see my mother or lil sister or father ever again!!" I yelled crying madly now Connor got up from the floor and pulled me up by my hair making me scream in horror

"Let go of my hair!!!"I screamed and Connor through me on the bed and jumped on top of me taking my panties off and his boxers off I screamed and screamed punching him hard trying to push him off but he wouldn't budge and he started to thrust into me major hard I made a piercing scream and One of the kidnappers came 

"GUYS!!!!!"he screamed and every member of my kidnappers came busting through the door and grabbing Connor off of me One of the kidnappers grabbed me and took off there shirt and put it on me "Its gonna be okay"his angelic voice was the only thing I herd before I fell asleep.

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