Im Missing once again

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(Harry POV)

I was scared now she was going to kill me I was doomed they gonna kill me Justin was really mad his face was red like fuck but Nothing compared to Jennie she looked like a fucking devil and demon mixed together I was freaking out

I just ran for my life and I herd Jennie scream and I jumped running to the car "Shitshitshit"I said and ran alil faster and saw Jennie right behind me and I freaked out more when I saw Justin pull out a gun

I ran the corner and out the entrance and ran to my car I got I'm and got my keys out the others following and into the car "Hurry up mate!!!"

Louis yelled and I got it out turning the engine on and drove backwards "Oh my god we almost died out there!!!"Niall yelled and I looked at my rear view mirror seeing Zayn looking freaked out along with Liam and I just snickered with a smirked and Louis smiled but I saw the fear in his eyes

"Okay so its midnight already so when we go home we sleep...we have a big day ahead of us"I said and then they all yelled they was tired I saw it by they baggy eyes when we went home i took a shower and went to bed along with everyone else

(Shanna pov)

I woke up and sat up straight...i smelled like dead mouse and rang the thingy thing to get the nurse to come she came and asked what was wrong "I need a shower"I said and she came towards me holding her nose

"You sure do miss"She took the IV off my arm and grabbed my hand helping me off the hospital bed she then brought me to the bathroom and turned the shower on i saw her look at my ass and i felt uncomfortable

'Is she lesbian?'I thought self (I have no problem with lesbian or gay or bi people i have many like that) i shook my head and felt her grab my hand bringing to the shower

I got in and washed up while she went to get my stuff i needed i finished and saw her come in with a towel and lotion and deodorant plus a brush and some clothes

i grabbed the lotion and put it on she put it on my back i grabbed the deodorant and put some on too and she brushed my honey brown curly short locks and brought me to the room

I sat on the bed and saw breakfast"Here you go Ms.Bloodman breakfast"the nurse said i ate it all in 20 minutes I laid there just quiet then I saw a shadow at the corner of my eye and saw that it was someone in this very room

"Um...Nurse lady?" that you?"I said and got up walking backwards to the door I looked around and opened it up walking out the door seeing that there was blood on the door with a hand print and saw blood on the desktop where there was the computers and I herd a baby crying

I ran to the crying baby my heart beating fast like chaeta chasing for its food I stopped and went into the room I saw a baby and grabbed her running out the door and running outside I then past through bodies limp on the floor dead going to heaven

I started to cry and held the baby closer to my chest I got flashed backs on how the shadow looked and it looked like Connors shadow

I started to run faster and my heart was beating faster then ever then I started to hear footsteps and I ram faster holding on to the baby making sure she wont fall I then figured I had a baby in me if I keep this baby then maybe they will be sisters or brother and sister I just hoped I get away from these monsters who kidnapped me once but wont again

I got out the hospital and ran around the corner but I stopped when I saw a familiar van and herd the familiar voice I never wanted to hear again 'I spoke to soon'

I thought and I ran again but the opposite direction I them knocked on a door not caring then moments later a old lady opened it looking shocked "Oh my cookies come in sweetheart"

She said and I went in side not caring at all she closed it locking about 20 locks and I saw the windows boarded up and she switched something on and I saw that the lights wen out and there was blue light coming from out side

"That's my gazer tazer"The lady spoke and I stared at her she then looked at me and I looked away looking at the smiling baby that I herd crying in that bloody place of a hospital

"Are you okay sweetheart?"The old lady said and I nodded "I'm fine but by any chance have a bottle that baby can drink out of?"I asked and she looked like she was thinking

"Ah..yes I do please do walk with me"She said I smiled and she smiled back 'Shes so sweet'I thought and I stopped when she stopped

"Okay here we go this is my granddaughter bottle...and there's a crib in the living room"she said and I thanked her she was so sweet but I was still scared and I didn't know what to do

"Hey miss...can you stay with my baby Ashley while I go out for a bit?"And her eyes grew wide and she smiled I saw the excitement in her eyes "Oh yes I will and I promise I will give her all the love she will ever have in gods name I will protect your baby...and here sweetheart"She said

Going into her closet bringing out a gun I looked shocked and I'm pretty sure my jaw was to the ground I grabbed it and she laughed her adorable old lady laugh "thank you?"

I said and she grabbed Ashley"Your gonna need It hun"She said and gave Ashley the bottle I gave her a hug she gave it back to me I looked at Ashley and have her a kiss on the forehead I walked out the door and griped the gun tight I looked around then walked down the porch step I them herd footsteps coming towards me and i panicked

"Nice to see you again Shanna"I herd the familiar voice its was....Jason McCann "Shit"I whispered and he chuckled I turned around and saw that he had a gun too but I had a tiny one he had a pistol I don't know what I had but it was​ tiny but not tiny it was average then he grabbed my neck

I tried to shoot but it hit his hand he swore out loud but he didn't budge he just held tighter and Connor came in view along with Edward, Edward took the gum and Connor grabbed Edward than hit me in the head with gun and everything blacked out

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