Chapter 5

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"get the fuck off of her" i hear louis yell and i pull back from harry.

"lou! i-i" i stutter as i get off of harrys waist

"why the fuck were you just making out with my sister" lou yells pushing harry

"i'm sorry" harry repeats

"lou stop calm down. it was my idea" i say breaking tension.

"what!" louis yells at me

"he didn't want to but i did. please lou calm down. don't be mad at him you should be mad at me. Don't worry it will never happen again. it was just a kiss thays all" i yell

Louis sits in silence for 20 minutes.

"you two aren't sleeping together anymore" lou says looking at harry.

"you can't tell me who i can sleep by" i announce

"yes i can. you're not sleeping beside him do you understand"

"yes i am-" i begin until harry cuts me off

"it's okay y/n"

i look over to harry and he slightly smiles at me.

"fine. well where am i sleeping at?" i ask lou

"you will sleep with mason on the bed." he says

i look to harry and i can see the anger in his face. 

"i want to sleep with harry. he's my best friend too" i say

"not tonight. maybe tomorrow. please. you don't makeout with your best friend." lou says yelling

"i do" i yell back

Things finally calm down and i hear lou apologizing to harry.

"man i'm sorry i'm just overprotective and i know about your history with playing girls"

"lou man i get it. But i promise that was nothing more than a kiss. i know it and she knows it" harry says convincingly

lou nods
"please don't hook up with her"

"boo bear i would never" harry says

Louis nods and smiles to harry

"can you still not sleep next to her for just tonight?" lou asks harry for a favor.

"sure buddy" harry says patting his back.

Harry and lou go and sit on the couch and every few minutes i see harry turn around and look at me and mason sitting on the bed.

"i guess i should go change into my sleeping clothes" i say getting up.

Harry looks at me and i can see in his eyes that he's jealous of mason.

As i'm changing, i think to myself. I bet harry expects me to wear a bra like i usually do.

i smile to myself and put on a pair of sweats and a tshirt.

"wow look who's actually wearing clothes" lou laughs

harry looks at me and blushes.

i can tell he's happy i decided not to wear only under garments and shorts.

"im kind of sleepy. anyone ready for bed?" louis asks and we all nod.

i lay down near the wall and place a pillow between me and mason.

a few hours pass and everyone's asleep.

My phone chimes and i look to it.

*message from harry

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