The Lies We Tell Part One

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After Peter and I dozed off I woke up to my brother being in his room it sounded like he was tearing his room apart and trust me I was shocked at what I found.

Maria: what the fuck is going on Tyler

Tyler: Maria why are you up you should still be asleep

Maria: Don't try to switch this one on Me what in the fuck is going on why do u have That suit isn't that suppose to be property of that guy hawkeye and Shield?

Tyler: long story and I don't feel like explaining right now I just came to grab something and then I'm out the door

Maria: no tell me now or I swear I will go to any lengths to find out if your doing something illegal I want you to stop

Tyler: ok fine .... I am working for shield kinda I stole this suit from them and with help from dad and a mutual friend I've been going around the world looking for a murder that the people I work for want off the street and no it's not illegal since I'm working under Tony Stark and dad is my point man

Maria: but dad is a doctor?

After me and my brother talked more about what was going on he walked out the door and left he also told me him and dad won't be back for awhile but to not worry about any bills dad will take care of it which is still kinda weird but I won't judge I got the freedom to do what I want but I'm still worried about my brother I might see what I could find out if I ask Tony Stark.

Peter: what was that all about

Maria: that was my brother and I think he needs some help well I'm not sure if he does but something doesn't seem right and I'm worried

Peter: is there anything I can do to help

After explaining everything to Peter about what was going on with my brother and I told him how he needs a new suit but he said he is fine with the suit he has I didn't try and convince him but then I saw him work going through all of my brothers emails til he found a file on Wilson fisk a billionaire running for mayor but he has been secretly funding criminal operations all over new York by using some of his businesses as a nice hideout for these endeavors and then he seen a recent email from somebody calling himself watcher and the location he said to meet was not that far from where we are.

Peter: I'll check it out stay here I'll call you when I find something

I sat in my living room as Peter changed into his Spider-Man suit and swing out my window heading to the location we seen I waited for Peter to come back I wasn't just worried for my brothers life but I'm now really worried for Peter I fell asleep looking out my window until I hear something on my fire escape so I can upstairs to see what happened I see Peter with a knife in his leg and badly beaten which scared me seeing him like that after I brought him back inside I waited til he woke up.

Peter: *started to wake up* that didn't go as well as if hope

Maria: no kidding what happened Peter

Peter: when I got over there I was stopped by your brother I told him I was a friend and he attacked me

As they where talking Maria father walked in with a gun and had it pointed at a injured Peter and was ready to shoot luckily a arrow hit the gym and knocked it on the ground and then the avengers where standing in the house ready to take down my father

Iron man: we have been looking all over for you why haven't you answered my calls doctor

Dr.Mason: well you can understand my actions when it's my son you guys are after

Maria: why are the avengers going after my brother

Hawkeye: Well as you know he stole some stuff of mine and he has been working under someone guy named watcher and have been doing hits for him so the doctor here was helping us find him so we can give him the help he needs but it's gotten worse since he came back to the city we also have been tracking bug not and you Maria

Maria: why are you looking for me what did I do

Iron man: it's not what you did but what your mother did

Maria: what did mom do?

Dr.Mason: I can explain sweetheart your mother Cindy worked for Wilson fisk as a scientist she was the one to create the spider that have Peter his powers using some notes from Peters father who happened to be a member of shield when fisk killed her because she was working on a project that she wanted to keep secret and he didn't like that.

Maria: what was the project she was working?

Dr.Mason: it's called project Moon it gives the user the ability to control  light but the last know person and a great healing factor you was able of the trial to gain these abilities was kinda tricky

Maria: who was the person?

Dr.Mason: you when you where a baby she wanted to make sure nobody could get it cause nobody would think her newborn child would have this power but he did eventually find out which scared  your mother so she called me and told me to take you and your brother and run and that she will catch up when she knew it was safe but as you can tell that didn't happen.

After all the explaining the avengers took her father leaving Peter and I alone in a destroyed house still in shocked at what we just heard well mainly me it seems like Peter was feeling a little better expect his right arm was still kinda weak but then I noticed Peter putting his mask back on and about to leave they the window I started to cry not wanting to be alone

Maria: Peter please don't leave me I really don't wanna be alone that was way to scary please Peter stay with me I don't wanna die I don't wanna die I don't wanna die I don't wanna die .

Peter sees me breakdown and runs towards me and holds me tight being in his arms made me feel safe but I was still broken inside I find out that my mother was killed by the current mayor and my brother has been working for him great what a life Maria I'm crying in to this guy I barely know and my family is a mess

Peter: do you feel kinda better are you ok?

I started to noticed that my face was buried into Peters chest my tears all on his shirt I broke from his hug and wiped my eyes.

Maria: no I'm not ok I don't know if I will but it's alot to take in I just wanna relax eat some ice cream and watch a movie can we do that please?

Peter:yes of course anything for you

Peter grabbed my hand and we walked to the only room that wasn't destroyed the living room thank God cuz all my movies are in the living room as I sat down to find a movie Peter grabbed some snacks the big  tub of ice cream I had strawberry my favorite and then some Oreos for him even though I'm going in stealing some I like Oreos to.

Deadpool: yeah yeah fuck all the mushy shit it's me Deadpool and the next chapter in it heavily and you know what I'm gonna fuck some shit up will I shoot the bad guys or help the good guys I don't know but you know what fuck it who cares tune in next as Deadpool takes over the story and writer part two better have my name on it if you know what's good for you ok bye now

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