The Illuminati

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It's Literally been 3Hours since I started training with Reed and Strange they been working me to the bone in so exhausted my dad and Tony showed up and brought me I've cream so that made everything worth while.

Tony: so kid how was your time with my colleagues?

Maria: long why did no body warn me that I would be training for this long

Reed: We wanted to make sure your powers where in control

Maria: I didn't even know I had powers until three hours ago

Tony looked at me like he was about to say something but I zoned out at the site of Peter landing with Black Bolt a inhuman that works with iron man I ran up to Peter and gave him a big hug he hugged me back real tight I really like hugging him no sooner he looked up I took his mask off and kisses him everyone but my day gush at the sight I think I pissed him off.

Mason: Peter we will talk about this later

Peter jumps hearing my father say that I think my dad scared him a bit which made me giggle I grab Peters hand his face lighten and he seemed calm after feeling my hand.

Maria: Stop Dad I actually like this one at least be happy the guy I like is a awesome super hero

Tony: I wouldn't say awesome but under my training he could be Amazing

Peter: I don't wanna be Amazing Mr.Stark I just wanna be your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man the guy that will fight to protect my city and the people I care about my uncle always said with great power comes great responsibility

Mason: Well Spider-Man you better be good to my daughter or it's you and me

Peter: yes sir

Tony: don't worry about him he is to busy running shield to bug you

Maria and Peter both looked up at Tony shocked at what was just said.

Mason: seriously Stark which part of classified don't you understand

Tony: any of it, I was a rebel growing up still am honestly don't really follow rules but imma take the lovebirds I got something for them

Tony starts to walk away and motions for me and Peter to follow him which we happily followed he said he had something for us no body turns down a gift from Tony Stark and let's be honest his rides are hightech as shit plus the rides are never long.

Tony: Well let me get to the point and I get it kid you wanna be the voice for the little guy that's all good and all but what are you gonna do if a mad titan with unlimited power comes to Town ready to kill off half the population you gonna sit there just protect  your little New York or Are you Gonna Step Up To The plate and Be The Hero the world needs

Peter: Mr.Stark I don't know if I'm ready for that I wouldn't know what to do I'm still a high school kid but I'm not gonna sit by when people need help I got these powers and I'll do whatever it takes to be the hero they need.

Tony: then let me Teach You What you need To be that guy
I don't wanna use you for some agenda in not gonna lie to you to keep you in the dark I want you to be at your best I'll be damn if I had the ability to help a young hero reach greatness and don't do it and that's goes for both of you.

He holds out a box for both of us which all ready shocked me I didn't expect but I was excited anyway I opened my box it was a white and black suit with a domino mask with a good it had a moon on it and Peter's Spider-Man suit look so awesome it was red and blue the small black spider the eyes look real expressive and there was no good it looked amazing his new web shooters where red and kinda small.

Peter: thank you mr. Stark this is awesome

Tony: no Problem kid no go out there and be the ultimate Spider-Man
Oh and kid you might wanna man up and ask her out,
You can tell she likes you

Me and Peter left tony's lab and went to a cafe not far in the area
It supposedly had the best Hot chocolate so now I have to test that cuz you can get the best anything at delmar's place.

Peter: so what do you think of there hot chocolate!!

Maria: it's ok delmar's is better
I'm lying this shit is amazing and blows Delmar out the water but I couldn't tell Peter that cause it will be a long debate.

Peter: so Maria would you wanna you know be my girlfriend ?

Maria: Yes I would Peter I was wondering when you would officially ask me out what took you so long to ask me out Peter

Peter was fidgeting like he didn't know what to say but didn't wanna say something wrong gosh this boy is such a saint sometimes

Maria: don't worry about it Peter I'm just glad you finally asked me out so how about we go back to My place and watch a movie my dad is taking us to Boston to check on a lead on the speed thief .

Peter: you mean that thief that completely destroyed the fantastic four I heard she turned Mr.fantastic into a human pretzel and threw him out the window

Maria: don't forget how the human torch got hit so hard he doesn't remember who he is

Peter: are u sure we will be ok ?

Maria: I think we will be fine don't worry about it Peter we got this trust me

Peter and Maria left the cafe and started heading to her home they even walked past flash who tried to get Maria to jump into his car which Peter kinda snapped but I kissed him to calm him down and flash pulled off with a shocked look on his face which made me laugh.

A/N:that's the end of this chapter this chapter was more of a set up for the next one which will feature a character from my cousin JohnFritz256 Story speedstrike so let me know what you think of the story and that chapter when it comes out thank you for readimg hope you continue to enjoy

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