Next Generation

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Well that was weird some guy in a red suit other than Peters came to my house looking for my brother what are the things my father and brother have been apart of but that wasn't the half of it I thought my life would get better or more back to normal boy was I wrong

*two days after Deadpool shown up*

Maria: Peter later tonight can u come by my house and talk I really have some things to get off my chest

Peter: of course I'll be there after my patrol do you need me to bring anything

Maria: sandwiches from delmar's and a coke

Peter: you got it

After the news that my brother disappeared with Deadpool and my father still with the avengers I've been pretty lonely but it's good to have people like Gwen,Peter,Mary Jane and Riri to have my back plus Riri is a superhero just like Peter only difference between Peter and Riri is that Riri works  under the avengers which I think is cool after Peter and I got to school I immediately headed to the nurses office since I started feeling sick the minute I walked in the building I passed out once I was in the nurses office.

*wakes up*

School nurse: it's good to see that your awake how are you feeling ?

Maria: I'm feeling better

"Notices Peter sleeping in a chair next to me"

School nurse: he has been here the whole time he must really like you

I slowly run my fingers through Peters hair not trying to wake him but he jumps at my touch immediately waking up and looks into my eyes

Maria: hey sleepy head thanks for staying with me

Peter: of course I stayed with you I was worried

Just as I was about to say something my dad walked into the school with Tony Stark which surprised me but more than less I'm glad I get to see my dad

Dr.Mason: hey Little Moon I'M back

Maria: hi Daddy welcome back but why are you at my school with Iron Man

Tony Stark: Well I need you and Peter to come with me and your father to Avengers Tower immediately we will talk more there

Peter and I nod at Tony and follow them out the school everyone was looking at us which even if I didn't show it makes me uncomfortable so I bury my face into Peter's arm and Grabs his hand not Noticing Peter blushing and my dad giving him the death Glare and Tony laughing at the interaction.

*2hour drive later*

Maria: so this is the Avengers Mansions seems like your trying overconfisating for something are you Mr.Stark

Dr.Mason: MARIA!!!!!

Tony Stark: Don't worry Mace Its ok The kids Smart kinda
Avengers Mansion is Your one Stop Shop for everything hero I wanted to Make a place For The best of the best of us to have a place To Home there Skills

Maria: but the moving floor was that necessary?

Tony Stark: yes it is but on to more important matters
I called you here because I have a proposition for both of you

Peter and I looked at each other and the nodded at Tony like where listening.

Tony Stark: Well there's a hero in Boston that I was thinking of Recruiting to A New Team I want you and bug boy to go there and see if they are worthy of this team also consider this both of your auditions to the team

Maria: but I'm not a superhero noir do I want to be

Tony Stark: your brother has also been spotted out there

Dr.Mason: Don't worry about it Maria I'll be there with you

Tony Stark: you taking The patriot armor with you

Dr.Mason: that and a quinjet

Tony nods at my father's request and they both left leaving me and Peter sitting there confused I didn't know my father was a superhero but then again I didn't know my brother was a evil assassin but I guess you only know a person til you know a person
After I left school Peter walked me home since he already was planning on staying at neds since he would have more space to work on web fluid there but instead he would come stay with me since we leave tomorrow for Boston the walk was pretty smooth
Expect for the fact that Peters spider sense kept going off.

Deadpool: seriously why did he ask me to watch her it's not like she will live after everything is over too bad she's kinda hot for a kid who is gonna be dead

Killshot: it's time to go Deadpool you can stop watching my sister I found the big green guy so phase one can begin.

Deadpool: wait Big green guy you don't mean

Killshot: Yep

A\N: that will be the end of this chapter since the next one will be a double chapter where you will see what happened to the avengers and why Maria's brother is looking for this big green guy and more into his plan.

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