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It was dark. Faint red light emitted from a place unseen. It was the only source of visibility there.

Small pieces of land floated by themselves, each with their own gravity and orbit in this empty abyss.

Occasionally lands would collide, resulting in a loud crash that echoed throughout the barren place. Pieces would crumble and throw themselves in every direction, forcing every living creature, both human and Pokémon alike, to seek refuge as fast as possible and hope that they weren't crushed as well.

And yet, only one creature managed to survive here.

At the center of it all was a large being. Its body was long and snakelike and it floated by itself. Golden spikes ran down its sides. Its gray skin had several red and black stripes, starting from a golden armored head. A crest of gold was embedded in its head, trailing down to three rings, which wrapped around its neck. Two blood-red eyes gazed at the lonely world from the darkness of its face. Six long wings made purely of shadow trailed out from behind its neck. It didn't need those wings, as it was already able to travel and move freely in this dimension.

Its name was Giratina.

Giratina stayed still for a moment longer before moving towards a large crystal. Its sides were tall and it was wider than Giratina itself.

Giratina continued racing towards it and let out a mighty roar, causing every land piece to freeze in its place, but only for a second.

Immediately the crystal's surface quivered and began to glow a bright blue. Giratina went through it without another thought.

It arrived in another world, under a deep layer of water.


Instantly it could tell that something was wrong; the voice was calling out to it, to anyone to help.

Dialga Giratina realized. The beast closed its eyes and focused on the huge world. It could find no trace of the Time Legendary or Palkia. It must be Dialga. Giratina knew the blue Legendary's voice like it was its own. Dialga must be calling to me from another time. I can't do anything to help right now. . . I'm sorry.

Giratina sighed, this dimension's gravity weighing down on it. It wanted to leave and return to its home as soon as possible, but first, it needed to eat.

It burst its head out of the lake, startling a small herd of bright orange Pokémon that were drinking the water. Their backs were shades of orange and yellows, and their legs and face were a light tan. A large yellow flower rested in between both of their long orange ears.

"Deer! Deerling!" They yelled and ran this way and that, each too blind in their own fear and panic to notice which direction they were running. They all failed to see a younger Deerling trying to escape from the water.

She swam desperately for the shore, moving as fast as her skinny legs could take her. The land was so close now!

In one movement, Giratina raised its head up and grabbed the Deerling by her waist before pulling her down into the water. A few bubbles rose to the surface, but seconds later, all was still. The Deerling never returned to the surface of the lake.

Giratina swam down the way it had come, its prey held securely in its mouth. It reached the bottom and went through to its home once more.

Once through, it roared again, sealing the crystal. Then it ate its meal.

"You have called me again?"

Giratina lifted its golden head, facing a young human, a female.

Behind her trailed a tiny, bright green creature, its back fluffy and its face white. Two pink flowers sprouted from its head. The creature reminded Giratina of its last meal, but it said nothing.

Its red eyes met the girl's dark blue ones. Neither one of them said a word until the girl spoke again a minute later.


Said creature roared loudly, causing the girl and her green Pokémon to flinch and cover their ears in pain.

"Shay!" the tiny Pokémon shouted, trying to tell Giratina to stop.

Giratina growled but stopped its deafening cry. It turned slowly in a semicircle and began to move away.

"Wait! Giratina!" The girl picked up her Pokémon and chased the large beast. "Please stop!"

But Giratina only sped up before dipping down and flew below the girl. It roared, though not as loud as before.

The girl blinked before stopping and looking around. "Giratina?" Her Pokémon closed its small eyes and huddled closer to the girl, too afraid to move. It made tiny, frightened squeaks.

The girl, however, went to the edge of the land she was on and looked down. Giratina rose back up just inches away from her. The girl took a step back and tightened her grip on the green Pokémon. Then another voice spoke. It was powerful and loud, unable to be ignored.

"Your world- it's ending."

The girl froze and quickly turned around, seeing the large serpentine there. "Ending? What are you talking about?" Her voice was suddenly full of fear.

Giratina closed its eyes and lowered its crowned head. "The place where you live. . . I visited it earlier today. I heard Dialga, calling out to me from the future." The girl was silent, so it went on. "I'm sorry to say this, but your world is ending, very soon. There's nothing you can do to stop it; it's all set in stone."

"B-but. . ." The girl took a few seconds to recollect herself. "Why is this happening? How? When?"

Giratina lifted its head and looked at her. "I do not know why, nor do I know when, only that it's happening very soon. And my guess is that some human is going to summon Palkia and Dialga to do it."

The female was lost for words. She didn't know how to reply.

"If it makes you feel any better, you may live here with me. While your world is gone, you would still be able to live."

The girl shook her head and took a small step back. "No. . . I can't." Her lip quivered and she looked at the beast, her eyes glassy. "I can't! I can't leave my family or my sister behind! I can't leave my friends there to die! And I just couldn't live here knowing that the entire population of humans and Pokémon is gone, and that I could have saved them." She wiped her eyes. "So I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to say no to your offer. I'd rather die trying to save everyone than live knowing I did nothing."

Giratina nodded slowly. "Very well." It went to the girl and put its head in front of her. The girl gently placed her hand on its head as the two looked at each other. "I will see you again."

The girl nodded. "Yes. And don't forget about me, alright?"

Giratina closed its eyes and nodded. "Of course. I could never forget you."

The girl gave a sad smile. "Thank you, Giratina." She looked down as her body started to fade. "I'm waking up now. Call me whenever you need, and I'll be here."

Giratina didn't reply. The two looked at each other for a long time as the girl disappeared.

"I'll see you again."

And then Giratina was alone once more.

Changing Fate -Pokémon Platinum (FortuneShipping)Where stories live. Discover now