Rain Flames

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The next time he copied a flame was when he was near Yamamoto (but he did not know until later on), by near means when he saved the baseball player.

He, however, did not know of his weird ability to copy flames so excuse him for panicking once people suddenly fell asleep when he goes out once. Reborn did not find it amusing that he felt drowsy (the infant does not like it so he just stayed on Tsuna's head [he wonders if Tsuna was the one who kept emitting strong doses of Rain Flames] for the meantime [his hair is too SOFT]) everytime he gives his student a lesson (coughtorturecough).

When he did summon his emmitation of Rain Flames was when he saw Lambo hurt by Varias Lightning guardian. The said guardian fell asleep once Tsuna arrived with fires ablaze (Rain Flames). Tsuna looked done and saw his blue fire coated hands and promptly ran around. Reborn should have known already, Tsuna didn't even know how to control his Sky Flames yet, much less when it comes to different flames.

Did he mention that every person in the vicinity were already asleep? No? Well now he did. Reborn fought the urge to fall asleep but soon succumbed to the welcoming darkness.

And of course, Tsuna kept on panicking. Until he tripped that is.



You know what...

I'll just sort the chapters once I get this whole thing done... DONE.

If you want, you can have this book? No? Okay...🤣

Tsuna: Why am I always the victim..?

Me:  >:D

Tsuna: D:<

Reborn: >:3

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