A Ride Home (M)

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Naruto had stood from his leaning position against the fence as he saw yet another car approaching. He was banking this time it was his way home but as he walked closer to the edge, realization hit when the headlights steadily continued down the road. The male was beyond frustrated, mainly irritated with Sasuke for putting him in this situation but also with himself to agreeing.

This loud house party full of drunks and whores was Sasuke's not-so-fun way of making up to Naruto for taking him to a whack movie that Naruto spent his off-day from work going to. Also considering that Naruto was a late-bloomer when it came to achievements, he still didn't know how to drive despite being 18. With that said, the blonde most definitely needed a ride home. He could walk a few miles but with how dark it was and the knowledge that anything could happen, it'd be safer to be driven. 

All of his friends were either asleep or unwilling to come pick him up since it was past midnight so Naruto had to pull a different card. He dialed Itachi. Of course the stubborn man didn't answer the phone but Naruto knew he had to have been awake.

Instead of showing the urgency through a sudden, late-night call; Naruto texted that him and Sasuke needed a ride home. Dragging an intoxicated Sasuke into Naruto's troubles would start some argument later on perhaps but now it was currently about getting home whether he liked it or not how it was done. For extra measures, Naruto let Itachi know that Sasuke was indeed drunk and possibly high so he'd need to be hunted down by Itachi himself.

Nearly half an hour ago, Naruto received the "Ok." so now he's expecting Itachi to pull around the corner any time now. Luckily, just before Naruto was going to walk inside to get himself a drink, he heard a horn behind him. A sigh of relief came from Naruto as he quickly made his way to the passenger side of the car but just as he was getting in, Itachi was getting out.

"Do you know where he is?"

There was a boom in Itachi's voice that expressed how upset he was and it made Naruto a bit flustered from both finding himself intimidated and slightly aroused from it. Naruto had a crush on the older male years ago when he was younger but without seeing him as much recently, he had gotten over it. But tonight Naruto couldn't help being attracted to the male's eyes that displayed an obvious glare. Along with the choice of attire flaunting the man's strength. 

Naruto was indeed a fruity little boy.

"Uh, no. Last time I saw him, he was smoking in the living room." The blonde maybe added that extra detail just to enjoy the irritated expression the Uchiha gave off. Content with the boy's eye candy for the night so far, Naruto closed the car door and locked all the doors just for precaution. He loved being in Itachi's car too considering it smelled like him. He'd kill for a shirt all to himself. Naruto then had buckled himself in the seat and leaned against the console while he waited to see Itachi come back out with Sasuke so they could be taken home.

~ ~ ~

There was a change of plans as to how the night went. Instead of Naruto getting dropped off, he was bound to spend the night here at the Uchiha house. They didn't have an extra bedroom for Naruto so the blonde assumed he'd be sleeping on the couch but instead, Itachi had offered his bed to the boy. Naruto was nearly bouncing with excitement in his heart but he kept his calm while he politely accepted the offer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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