Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


"Belated just simply means the past tense of being late"

I entered my apartment to see Austin teaching the twins English

Yay, what a perfect combination. Note the sarcasm

You might be wondering where I went to. As expected, the twins used only a week to finish all the snacks in the fridge so I had to go grocery shopping.

I'm still surprised that they haven't done any pranks since the last week. It's quite...unusual. I was bracing my self for anything that could happen while I passed them or while I naturally walked around the apartment but nothing. I guess I can finally feel free for the first time since they got here

I finally got to meet Austin over the week and he was just as I expected; sweet and bubbly but he just jokes around pretending to be dumb...most of the time. He just has his times of feeling dumb but he's not

I walked over to the twins before Austin could cause any more havoc to their brains

"I'll take it from here, thank you" I told Austin as I sat on the seat opposite the twins

"But I was just getting to the best part" Austin whined

"Don't bother yourself. Just...go and hang out with Sheena" I pointed to the living room where Sheena was watching a Netflix movie

When he finally left, the twins looked at me in confusion 

" see...He's smart but English is just not his thing" I reassured

Unless, how else did he get into university?

"How can belated be the past tense of being late. He basically put a past tense on the adverb instead of the the clear auxiliary verb. And the question was the definition of belated"

Madison ranted on being the smart one that she is while I just smiled and nodded so that she'd think I'm listening 

"You're not listening, are you?" She asked with quirked brow 

"Not a word" I said with the same gesture but shook my head 'no' instead

"So where did he stop?"

I taught them for an hour, replacing the stuff that Austin fed them with better and more valid information

"Game time!" I yelled from the study room signaling everyone that it's time to play some games

It's Saturday so Austin and Sheena came over for game night 

"We're all ready so stop signaling and get your butt here to the sitting room" Mason yelled

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and sat myself on the ground 

"you guys remember I said no kissing or stuff like that just normal funny stuff that can embarrass people"

"Yeah whatever miss fun spoiler" Austin mocked. 

So that's what you're calling me now huh? Oh it's on

"Allison, Madison, can you guys go to your room incase they disobey me"

"Yeah, whatever. Who even wants to play your old people games" Allison said not looking up from her phone and walking away followed by Madison 

"So what game our we playing?"

"Truth or dare" everyone said in sync. Wow, they really planned today out

"Fine, so who's asking first?"

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