2019, Blacklist (7)

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Blacklist filming is nearly ended. But Drake and Frank relationship is not going anywhere. The fact that Frank getting closer to First as day passes shook Drake's self confidence enough. He never expected Frank would get closer to anyone but him.

He send him any sign he could. He flirted, teased, even tried to seriously to confronted him once but to  a fail. It's either he's really suck at courting, or Frank obliviousness is surely overrated.

He let a heavy sigh for the umpteenth times today.

" Woah woah.. What's with the heavy sigh bro?" It's Ohm.

" Nah..just some teenagers problem"

" Oy.. You make it sound like I'm some nosy uncle here.."
" We're at the same age for God's sake!" Ohm jokingly offended.
" But seriously, what's wrong? You seem to lose yourself lately.." Ohm asked him again in worry.

" I think I got my heart broken.." Drake answered with another heavy sigh.

" You? By who? "

" You know already by whom Ai' Ohm.."

" You mean Frank? Did he rejected you? "

" Yeah.. I mean, I guess.. " Drake shoulder getting slumped as he answered that.

" But how, I mean why? " Ohm surprised by Drake's statement.
" I thought you two were mutual.. "

" It's obviously one sided Ohm.. "
" He never responded to any of my sign.. "

" Wait.., so you never asked him directly don't you?" Ohm frowned.

" No.. What's for? I will embarrassed myself if I do that. Beside it's clearly he doesn't feel the same as I am.. "

" You think? Did you just assuming all those things? "

Drake just weakly nodded at Ohm's question.

" God!! You big fat idiot!!" Ohm run his hand over his hair frustratingly.
" Ai' Drake!! " Drake startled to Ohm's yelled.
" Stop throwing signs! Ask him directly!! What, are you a psychic that you could read his mind?! Stop assuming things!!"

" You mean I should confess to him? Like, like tell him I like him?"

Ohm nodded his head firmly.

" No, I won't do that! I'm not gonna risk my current relationship with him for that! "

" Don't be such a coward Ai' Drake! What if your assumptions all wrong? You'll stuck just to be a friend with him! "

" And what if it's true?"
" What if he already has someone he likes? "
" I'm not ready for that.. " Drake shook his head in defeat.

" He had one? Other than you? No way.. "

" Yes way.. He already likes someone, and that's not me! "
" Stop rubbed on my wounded heart Ai' Ohm!"

" Who? "

" P' First.. "

" I beg your pardon? "

Drake gave Ohm another annoyed glance.

" First. Kanaphan Puitrakul.. "
" And I believed he felt the same way as Frank.. "

" No, he didn't.. "

" Yes, he did.. "

" How can you be so sure at it? "

" It's all over their behaviour Ai' Ohm. I mean, just look at their closeness this day. I even asked First directly. "

" And what did he said? "

" He won't admitted it of course, he even dare to swear that he likes girls."

" He said that? "

" Uh-huh.."

" Don't worry bud.. I'll change it for sure.. " Ohm smiled dangerously.
" Challenge is accepted. "

" What challenges? " Drake asked him confusingly.

" That... Just focus on your Frank. I'm 100% sure he likes you back. Cut my balls if I'm wrong. "

Ohm patted Drake's back, and gave him the biggest evil smirk he got.

At the other place, First got a goosebumps out of nowhere.


It's another break time Frank had been spent with First lately. He's been avoided to be near yet alone with Drake this days. He's struggling to eased his feeling towards Drake. He admitted, he is that coward.

Every time he's around Drake, his butterflies gone wild. Lately Drake flirtatious getting more dangerous for his heart sane. He's afraid if he left alone near Drake, he could get delusional like before. He's not gonna take that hurt experience anymore. Once is more than enough.

First did tried to persuading him to talk about them with Drake, but Frank don't ever budge. Today is their last day of filming. Frank felt relieved, cause that means he can leave this shooting dorm, and he could take a proper time to stay away from Drake for awhile. He determined to get over his feeling once and for all this time, before their another project began.

" Alright everyone.. That's our last shoot" P' Dan announced.
Overjoyed scream were heard from all of members.

" As a reward for our hard work all this period, our beloved boss has decided to take all of us to a 3 days 2 nights beach vacation trip"
" So thanks to all of you. See you at the weekend!"
With that, another overjoyed screams blaring louder this time.


The awaited vacation day finally arrived. The whole crews and casts has gathered in the GMMTV parking lot from early morning. Cheerful and excited conversations can be heard among them. Their tiredness from months of hard work seemingly forgotten already.

Frank had made First to promise him the night before, not to left him alone with Drake at any stakes in this trip. He just need to survive this another tree days more, before his "purification program" began. He don't planned to give up at the last minutes.

When their pick up busses was arrived, they get on one by one, but Frank suddenly feel the urge to pee. So he ask for permitted to take a quick toilet trip from P' Dan. When he finally get on the bus, he searched for First seat, and to his surprise, Ohm had taken the seat beside him. First gave Ohm an annoyed glare, while the said just keep smirking cheekily.

" Frank.. Over here!" Drake patted the empty seat beside him cheerfully.

Inevitably, Frank goes to Drake's side. He felt tired already.

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