Chapter 24 - A Hypocritically Lustful Monk

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The Venerable Anugit was the first to reach the Special Pond. He ordered his rama-rama to stop and then he disembarked onto solid cloud ground.
He looked about him and spotted a large pond in the middle.
He expected some sort of dangerous mythical monster guarding it, but instead, surrounding it were five beautiful women.
Long silky black hair worn ornately with jade pins, they had creamy smooth white skin and infectious laughter.
He realized that these must be the legendary Apsaras, the wind and air spirits that summoned the rain when Egalisians, especially the farmers, prayed to them.
One Apsara started playing a qinee, which was a traditional Egalisian musical instrument consisting of a cross between a guitar and a violin.
Falling under the spell of the music, the monk became entranced.
He started walking toward the women.
He was filled with a deep desire to possess these sirens.
Even though monks were forbidden from touching women, Anugit secretly had a voracious sexual appetite.
The fact was that he became a monk only so that he could receive a free education.
In the Kingdom of Egalisia, there was no free public education and coming from a poor family, his parents decided that their son should take the cloth and enter the monkhood. Having an education would ensure social, political and financial advancement.
But the Venerable Anugit was an insatiable womanizer, which, of course, was against the clerical rule of absolute celibacy.
However, Anugit was a crafty and wily politician and so, he bribed and blackmailed his way almost to the very top of the Ministry of State Religion and Rites, all the while keeping anyone from finding out about his frequent sexual adventures and lecturing other monks on the sins of sex.
But as for himself, from the lowliest-status women such as peasant farmers and bargirls to the highest-status women such as the Minister of Women and Children and even the Princess of Egalisia, daughter of King Omito himself - he had seduced and banged them all.
The monk had never been good at resisting temptation, and the beautiful Apsaras were too much for him.
One in particular was especially gorgeous.
Wearing a traditional white silk dress and a flirtatious grin, she was beckoning to him warmly.
Like the children following the pied piper, the monk followed the Apsara farther and farther from the pond.
Forgetting completely about the pond and the vial of water he was supposed to obtain, he continued to follow the woman, who was now giggling like a schoolgirl.
Still under her spell, he was oblivious to the fact that the Apsara had left solid cloud ground and was now floating in the air.
Yet, he was still walking, getting precariously close to the very edge of solid cloud ground and facing a potential 30,000 feet plunge to the Earth below.

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