Chapter 27 - Stage Two: Results

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When Theo arrived back at Apsaras' Cliff, he was dismayed to see both Sovana and Borm already there. 

They were whispering to each other, but stopped as soon as he arrived.

He wondered what they were talking about.
He landed his rama-rama, who dropped the monk down.
Seeing that the race was now between himself and Theo, the monk raced to the finish line before the boy.
Theo, who had forgotten about the monk, was flabbergasted.
He had saved the monk, who repaid his kindness by beating him to the finish line.
Was there really no justice in the world?
His heart heavy with disappointment, Theo crossed the finish line for formality's sake. Well, I guess that's it, he thought. I'm last. I'm going to be eliminated. At least I came this far.
But the only reason he was last was that he had saved the monk. Didn't compassion count for anything in this competition?
Anugit smirked in a self-satisfied way.
Theo regretted saving the ungrateful monk.
A fake smile plastered onto his face, Mr. Sotia stood behind the white line.
"And both Theo and Anugit cross the finish line!" he announced into the cameras. "Theo was the last to cross, but the competition isn't over yet."
He pointed to Borm and Sovana, who both proudly held out their vials of Apsara tears.
Mr. Sotia said, "The last two contestants must present their vials for inspection."
The monk hung his head. "Uh, I never got mine."
Theo's heart leapt. There was hope yet.
The referee asked, "Why not?"
Sheepishly, the monk replied, "I was distracted by the Apsaras."
Theo reached into his pocket and felt the coolness of the vial against his fingers.
Eagerly, he took it out and showed the referee.
Mr. Sotia unscrewed the cap and sniffed the liquid. "Yes, it's authentic."
Then, he turned to the monk. "The Venerable Anugit has been eliminated from the Extraordinary Competition. According to contest rules, if you don't cross the finish line with the required item for each particular stage, then you are disqualified from the race."
In his mind, Theo did a little happy dance.
He was still in the race.
Two down, two more to go!
At that moment, the ramas-ramas who had been following Theo and Anugit landed and the cameramen disembarked.
The referee explained, "And for the audience at home, here is the instant replay of Stage Two, shot by shot."
Theo looked at the camera that had been following him.
The cameraman was re-playing the scene where the Apsaras were gaining on him. Then, the scene showed the Apsaras crashing into an invisible force with a loud thud.
Yet, the camera did not show the figure in the white hood.
Theo was confused.
What was that all about?
Did the figure in the white hood exist at all?
Had it all been in his head?

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