five - cinema

19 4 6

   the next day, richie woke up at noon. the night before he had pulled himself up off the ground and collapsed onto his bed, falling asleep at around one in the morning. he messed around in the kitchen, pouring a bowl of sugary cereal into a bowl. the milk flowed out from the carton, falling into the bowl and making the cereal softly crackle. richie sat down on the couch, taking a large spoonful of his late breakfast and shoving it into his mouth.

   once he finished his bowl, he rolled around, bored. richie walked around the empty house, thinking about what he could do on a saturday afternoon. he finally caved, and decided to get dressed and go outside. richie put on a pair of worn jeans, a black sabbath shirt, and a navy blue windbreaker. richie looked all around his room for any spare change, he figured it would be better to have at least a little. he snatched up his backpack, that was still sitting on the floor of the bathroom and jogged out the front door.

   richie threw his leg onto his bike, and did a running start as he pushed off. richie rode down the street, heading to the busier part of town. he started toward the gas station, maybe he would grab a slushie or something. he looked around the town as he flew past the houses, the numbers on them just a blur. he parked his bicycle at the side of the gas station, leaning it against the brick wall.

   richie pushed the glass door open and slinked into the gas station, the bottom of his shoes sliding on the freshly mopped tile. he lurked around the aisles, looking at snacks like chips and candy. the man behind the counter eyed him cautiously. richie dragged a bag of sour gummy worms off the shelf and then brought it up to the counter. the cash register dinged as it opened, and richie handed over a few dollars to him for the gummy worms and the slushie he was going to get.

   the man pulled a big styrofoam cup from behind him and handed it to richie. richie walked over to the slushie machine, weighing his options. there was blue raspberry, cherry, cola, and lemonade thought that was out of order. richie stuck the cup under the cherry label and pressed the button. the slushie machine wurred as the drink flowed into the cup. richie put the lid on it, grabbed a straw, and headed outside.

   he leaned against the side of the building, standing next to his bicycle. rich unwrapped the straw, and threw the paper wrapper on the ground. he poked it through the lid and took a drink of the cherry slushie. richie briefly glanced to the door, hearing the bell ring as someone walked inside. he looked back in front of him, which was mainly forest and a deserted restaurant.

   he stood there for another few minutes, taking his time and sipping on the drink. he sat on his bike, carefully holding the slushie in his right hand as he got ready to bike away. the bell on the door ringed again, and instinctively, richie looked over. he was surprised to see who he met eyes with. eddie, again.

   richie tutted to himself, but still loud enough for the other boy to hear. "you kidding me?" richie asked eddie, who was looking like a deer caught in headlights. "oh!" he said finally, surprised. "i didn't expect to see you here.." he went on. richie shrugged, and then took a sip from the slushie.

   "neither did i." eddie looked at richie who was taking another sip now. they stood looking at each other in awkward silence while richie kept slurping up the drink. richie lips were stained red, and his tongue was too. the sugar made his mouth thirsty for regular water.

   "so," eddie said, placing a hand on his hip. "whatcha doing here?" richie shrugged again and then held up the slushie. "snacks."

   eddie nodded. "me too." they both looked at the ground, not knowing what to say since they had only spoken a few times before. "you wanna go see a movie or something?" eddie asked suddenly. richie looked up, surprised. "if you don't want to that's fine, i just have nothing else to do now." eddie continued.

   richie thought for a minute, he didn't have anything better to do either. "i mean, yeah. sure, i'll go." he said finally, smiling.

   "awesome!" eddie said. richie watched as eddie walked over to his own bike and got on, and they both started to head for the movie theatre. there was three movie posters on the outside of the building, the new releases. newsies, ferngully, and sleepwalker. all of them except sleepwalker looked lame to richie. as soon as eddie and richie dropped their bikes, eddie exclaimed, "let's watch newsies." richie narrowed his eyebrows.

   "no way, sleepwalker." richie argued. eddie pouted grumpily, and pulled some cash out of his fanny pack. "i have the money!" richie looked at eddie holding the cash, and then the newsies movie poster. he rolled his eyes.

   "you know what, fine," he said, and pointed to the ticket booth. "get two for newsies." eddie smiled. "yesss!" eddie walked over to the ticket booth and handed over enough money for two movie tickets. eddie grabbed the tickets from the cashier eagerly, and richie laughed slightly. they both walked into the movie theatre, and eddie glanced down at the room number.

    "we got here in time, it's starting in 10 minutes and we're in theatre three." richie nodded briefly, and they found the number three painted on the door. they both reached for the handle to open it for each other, and both mumbled, "sorry." eddie took his hand back away from the door and let richie open it. "thank you." eddie said.

   they took their seats at the very top, and there was surprisingly no one else in the theatre. derry was a small town, sure, but the movie theatres always got by and there was usually a dozen people seeing a movie at a time. the trailers were playing now, and richie placed his sweating slushie in the cupholder, they hadn't bought any popcorn, because they had already smuggled in the snacks they had bought at the gas station.

   the movie began to play, and richie watched, uninterested at first. then the first dancing number started, and the screen was bright. richie subconsciously started to tap his foot as he heard the characters sing and saw them dance.

   "i only really wanted to watch it for christian bale." eddie admitted. "who's that?" rich asked, not bothering to whisper in the empty theatre. "the main character," eddie responded and pointed at him. "i like him, he's cute." eddie said, offhand. richie shrugged. "sure."

   they continued watching the movie, but richie started to like it when they started to sing the king of new york. he grew fond of the characters, even though he was fully expecting to detest the disney movie. an hour or so later, the credits started rolling.

   "that was good." richie said bluntly, and then sucked up the last of his cherry slushie. eddie turned to rich. "really? i didn't think you'd admit to liking it." he laughed.

   richie shrugged. "it was good, a basic plot, but good." eddie nodded, pleased that richie had liked the movie. "let's get out of here." richie said, seeing the screen fade to black. they picked up most of their garbage, and side-walked to the stairs. they dumped all the trash in the trashcan by the door, and jogged out the door. eddie's eyes lit up like he was remembering something. he pulled his sleeve up and looked at his watch. "oh shi– i've got to go." richie brushed it off. "it's fine."

   eddie nodded enthusiastically. "thank you for watching the movie with me, see you."

   "see you." richie repeated. eddie hopped onto his bike, and quickly pedalled away. richie had absolutely no idea what time it was, but the sun was setting so he figured around four in the afternoon. he watched eddie bike away mysteriously, and wondered why he always had to desperately leave. strange

1378 word count 

a/nok so obviously i didnt hit 2k, and obviously i didnt post yesterday shdhalmaooaoa. bUt im planning on writing something else maybe?? literally no one watches it but i have the urge to write a blindspot spinoff like the pattercom thing bahahjahsk. so i might do that. anywho, hope u liked it and sorry for not updating yesterday !

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