⚙︎ Oh How The Gears Turn ⚙︎

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"Get up, asshole! We got school today!" 

I jerked awake at the cheery, sing-song shout, and realised I couldn't move my legs without tripping again, as they were tangled in the bedsheet. Several raps on my mahogany door sounded, and I narrowed my eyes at the sound.

"JOSH! I'LL KILL YOU!" I yelped back, and there was one last rap before footsteps thudded away.

Bright light filtered through my curtains, painting the dusty room with white and yellow.

Without warning, my door opened and in pelted Willow, my brother snickering outside.

The overexcited dog (who I'm still convinced had the mind of a puppy) wiggled onto my bed and licked my face immediately, making me splutter and sit up, pushing her away. "Alright! Alright! I'm up, ya mutt!"

Willow seemed to understand the desperate pleas of mercy and relented, allowing me to stumble clumsily off my bed and onto my green carpet.

I recalled last night with surprising clarity. It was as if my mind had wanted to capture every single moment, bottling it up so it would stay with me forever.

Lyn had gone on a Friends binge with us until 10. Then she had said goodbye to us at the front door. We hugged, of course.

She slipped a note into my pocket, one I didn't notice until two hours later when I was staring at my ceiling, wondering why on earth I was still awake at midnight.

My hand unconsciously went to the left pocket of my shorts and felt around for the piece of paper. I pulled it out and unfurled it.

So far only Grace and I know about your secret. But come on, we do have a mind-reader in the Gang. So Casey found out. Gracie hasn't told Skye yet, which is an achievement because those two tell each other everything.
We'll talk about this at school tomorrow :>
P.S. I didn't text this to you because I = old fashioned, and note = old fashioned. Plus it's more fun this way. Hehehhehe.

I giggled at the note for the second time. The entire thing was like a Lyn trademark.

"Daughter! Get ready please!" My mum's voice called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I responded, tossing the note on my dresser.

I pulled on my uniform and tried to make my ginger bedhair appear less crazy.
Sigh. No luck as it bounced back into place.

After a few moments, I set the brush down. I tapped my hand to the gold emblem on my uniform for good luck.

Willow followed me downstairs as I passed by our dining room into the kitchen to get myself Nutri-Grain. I passed Josh, who was buttering some toast. He leant down and stroked Willow, then took a seat at the table. Willow followed him, sitting in front of him and staring intently at the piece of toast in his hands.

"How come we only have Australian breakfasts?" Mum murmured, and I shrugged, pouring some milk into the bowl.

Willow barked at Josh to get his attention, making both him and I jump.

"Careful!" Mum yelped, shooting over and grabbing the bottle before any milk escaped the sides.

I held my breath, waiting for any more loud sounds.

"Sorry," mum apologised. She used the milk on her muesli, then screwed the lid on and put it back in the fridge.

"No worries," I told her. I brought my own breakfast with me and sat next to Josh.

A few moments later, dad joined us at the table. Willow noisily crunched her dog food.

I downed my cereal in no time and placed my bowl in the sink, turning the tap on to purge any leftover milk.

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