Twice the Tub

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TW: Drowning, Choking, Degradation

Dov's breast pressed into Jin's face as she reached around him looking for the soap. Bubbles sticking to her as she fumble around blindly in the dark bathroom, lit only with the nice smelling candles Dov had on hand. Letting out a gasp as she felt Jin's mouth start sucking on her breast. "What are you doing?" smacking him on the top of the head a little annoyed that he was starting things when they were having a nice bath. "Was I not supposed to? You're asking for it." sounding mildly annoyed himself biting down on her nipple. Suddenly a hand plunges into her, startling her because she could feel both of his on her back. "D- don't." Dov's voice coming out shaky as both of him tease her. "Don't, really?" Sounding very annoyed now, another hand coming in grabbing her hair and shoving her down onto his cock making her gag with the force. "It doesn't seem like you don't want it Dollface." biting down on her nipple at one end and smacking her ass at the other. Dov's moans are muffled by Jin's cock stuffed down her throat. The water splashing out of the bathtub as she squirms against Jin's grip. "Come on, admit it you were just trying to rile me up." pulling her off of his cock as he cums in Dov's face. "Yes, okay I was, I'm sorry." panting as she tries to catch her breath. "You don't seem very sorry, I'm going to have to teach you." growling as he grabs Robert the Duck and shoves him in her mouth. Squeaking as she bites down on him, two sets hands grab her wrists, placing them each on their own cock, and push down on her head dunking her in the hot bath water.

 A hand smacks Dov's ass again as a cock is pushed into her, crying out causing Robert to float out of her mouth and some water to rush down her lungs. Trying her best to rub the cocks while struggling under the water. Coughing up water as her head is pulled out of the water. "Look at what you did." Throwing Robert over his shoulder Jin grabs the body wash that Dov had been looking for. "Open your mouth." Grabbing her jaw and pouring it on her tongue. Dov could feel herself clenching around Jin's cock as her head was forced under the water again, the soap from the bubbles burning eyes. Another slap to her ass as another cock thrusts into her causing her to squeeze her eyes shut. "My filthy dollface, You wanted to be fucked like this, that's why isn't it." whispering in her ears as he pulls her out of the water. "Such a dirty girl." another pair of hands wrap themselves around her throat squeezing tight. Dov could feel herself reaching the end as two of Jin's cocks slam themselves into her, a hand pinching her clit, two more playing her her breast, and another set choking her. A moan squeezing its way out of Dov's throat as she reaches her peak. Jin followed her seconds later, filling her up with his cum, another load hitting her stomach and two more dripping over her hands. All the hands holding her disappeared and she fell down into the tub, bubbles flying up and water splashing up over the sides. "Oh dear, did I over do it?" Jin reached down pulling her out of the water, wrapping her up in a towel.


Bee's Sin JournalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora