Mah Ninjago OC

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I finally got to draw my OC. This is my art and I drew it on ibis paint. Ok and on to the life and everything about my OC. K thanks!

Name: Nayumi Suzuki

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Name: Nayumi Suzuki

Age: 17

Sexuality: Asexual hetero-romantic

Height: 5'6"

Loves: Drawing, fighting, cake, shipping, and cooking

Best friends: Zane, Pixal, Cole, Jay, Nya, Lloyd, and Skylor.

Story: She was born when Morro died. Her parents were very humble and lived in a rural area. Unfortunately, her mother got sick and died when she was just 6 years old. Her dad was trying his hardest raising his daughter on top of work and money. Nayumi was often left alone in the house until her father came home, but this time he didn't. She was picked up by Master Chen to train with him and to gain her elemental powers. During her training, she started to become friends with Skylor and then more  like sisters. Nayumi found out about Chen and Clouse's evil plans to resurrect the anocondri warriors when she was just 13 years old. She told Skylor, but she didn't believe her, so she left. She escaped on a windy night when Clouse found her and ordered the guards to chase her she escaped on a boat. She went all the way back to Ninjago to her home village, when she discovered that it was left in ruins. She lived in hiding for 2 years in Ninjago city living as a thief because she had no money. While she was in hiding, she became fascinated by the Ninja and have heard many stories about them defeating many villains. When she found out about when the Ninja and Garmadon defeated Chen and Clouse, she was worried about Skylor because she has done nothing wrong. So she went around the city hoping to find the Ninja or Skylor with no luck. She went to Chen's Noodle restaurant to eat, and saw Skylor. They both hugged each other happy to be together and even told each other the stories they had when they both weren't together.

After a month of being together working and living together as best friends, the Ninja had to fight another villain, Morro. Nayumi was curious about who Morro was, so she researched about him. She found out that he was her cousin because of their last names. She was surprised and wanted to talk to him, until she found out that he died when she was born and that he only came back for revenge. 2 years after Morro was defeated, Nayumi left to go see the Ninja after she realized why she was training with Chen. It was because she was the next to become the next Master of Wind. It was a windy night and while walking up the mountain, the wind pushed her off. This is when she found her true potential. She made the wind obey and the wind changed direction to lift her up the steps. It was an amazing feeling to have the power to make the wind obey. She continued the steps up to the Monastery to meet Master Wu. He asked what she was doing here in a calm manner, and Nayumi started to explain why she was here. Wu invited her in as the Ninja came in and exchanged looks as silently asking Wu as to why she was here. She explained everything to Master Wu and even showed him her powers, outside. Master Wu had considered having her as a new pupil, and he decided to train her and teach her about her powers.

Although still training with Master Wu for over 4 months, she made some new friends and even learned a few things about them. She is very good friends with Zane, and he even taught Nayumi how to cook. Pixal and Nayumi always talk about their stories, and Pixal even teaches Nayumi how to build simple little gadgets. Cole loves having Nayumi to keep him company, and all they talk about is cake and music. Jay always invites Nayumi to play video games with him and eat junk food. Nayumi loves being with Nya because they always talk about girl stuff and other stuff. Skylor was like a sister to Nayumi since they have known each other since they were 6 years old. Kai is a good friend as well, but only when he is training with Nayumi. But Lloyd is more closer to Nayumi and he loves training with her, although he had some doubts about Nayumi. Nayumi is currently alive and well training at the Monastery.

A/N: I wanted to give some info on my OC, and tried to give some description about her as well. Don't worry, next story will be a texting scenario. Thank you and bye my lil' Ninja peeps. :)

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