Mr. Dimples

18 2 0

"You're going to the party!" Jungkook tells me. I basically don't have a choice.

Jungkook and I have been best friends since college. We always we went to parties together, we were both party people. Jungkook would sometimes come to my rescue if I didn't show interest in a guy, trying to holla at me. He would pretend like he was boyfriend and wisk me away.

I loved listening to the music and letting it flow through me and completely take me over. I would have my eyes closed and swaying to the music even if people weren't around me.

Anyways I haven't been to a party since I graduated and took on different responsibilities, but Jungkook kept the tradition going without me, and now that he's discovered this underground club or whatever, he wants to drag me along.

"I haven't been to a party in ages. I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how they work." I say to him, picking up a tray of drinks about to deliver them to a table.

"You make it sound like you're old. You're 24, plus it's not that type of party. It just ends up turning into a party because the people who perform are great. Think of it as a small concert." He justifies.

I roll my eyes. "I'll think about, but in the mean time will you please deliver those plates to table six. Poor people have been waiting for ten minutes."

I walk away to deliver the drinks to the table I'm serving.

"I'm sorry for the wait. Is there anything else I can get you sir, or you princess." I smile down at the adorable little smiling up at me with a crayon in hand.

Her father chuckles. "She likes you. She doesn't really like anyone who wasn't her mom." She frowns a little at the mention of her mom.

To lighten the mood I take out more crayons from my pocket and kneel down to her.

"Here you go sweetheart. Don't tell anyone I gave you more crayons."

Her smile widens and she kicks her feet happily.

"I won't!"

"Promise." I whisper.

"Pinky promise!" She holds out her pinky and we lock our pinkies. "I can't break a pinky promise."

"I know you won't." I smile at her.

"You're so pretty! I hope to be pretty like you when I grow up." That pulls at my heart.

"But you're already pretty sweetie." I tell her.

"Really?" She tilt her head in the most adorable way possible.

"Yes very pretty." I say. I turn to her dad whose smiling at the whole situation.

"If that's all please enjoy your dinner." I say to him. "Bye sweetheart." She vigorously waves and smiles as I walk away.

"She's so adorable...I could just die." I over exaggerate to Jungkook.

"Calm down. You went to a whole other level just now." Jungkook says.

"Shut up." I come back to reality's day walk behind the counter.

He doesn't say anything but keeps looking at me as I set up for the next order.

"What're you doing?"

"Have you decided yet?" He spits out fast.

"Ugh. We went over this." I say.

"I just feel like it'll be good for you to be around people who have the same interests as you." He slumps.

"Which is?"

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