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"I like you!....Deeply!....And that's real. You wanted something real, so there you go!" I yell at him as he makes it to the door.

With his back turned away from me, he speaks.

"This isn't something to play about. You know how I feel about you. Now that I'm walking away you finally open up to me." Namjoon speaks lowly.

"Because I don't open up to people. I told you from the beginning that I didn't, and you experienced first hand that I don't, but I can't let you go, not when you've been the only man to truly understand me....so please don't leave. Everything that we did together, how it felt to be with you. That was real." I step to him.

He turns around. "What would you say if I told you that I love you."

"I'd tell you, that it scares me, because the last man to say those words to me...broke me, made me believe that he believed in my dream, only to tell me that I was nothing, and I'm not sure if I want to go through that again." I drop my head.

He holds my face by both hands and lifts my head up.

"I'd never say that to you. You mean everything to me. I knew that when I met you." He responds.

A tear falls from eye and he wipes it away.

"I'm sorry." I say lowly.

"Don't be. Just promise me that you'll let me in. I want to know everything about you." He says now eye level with me.

I nod. "I promise."

"Pinky promise?" He holds his pinky up.

I laugh. "Pinky promise." I connect and lock our pinkies.

"Can't break a pinky promise." He smiles.

"I know."


So I ended up writing a Namjoon fanfic. 😂 More to come I promise.

Hope you enjoyed.

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