Mr. What

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"Mr. What?" The dimpled man asks. Jungkook was about to speak again but I stomped his foot which made him bounce on one leg, but I never look away from this dimpled gentleman.

"N-nothing, he's just being stupid." I smile to him.

Jungkook stands beside us and pats my back. "I'll be over there talking to Tae, if you need me, you know what to do." He winks at me and stares RM up and down, intimidatingly before making his leave.

"He okay?" He asks.

"Yea if he's not, he will be." I assure, he nods in response.

"May I ask what your name is?" He smiles.

"You may, it's Y/N." I reach out my hand and he takes it, and kisses the back of my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you."

Oh trust me the pleasure is ALL mine.

"My name is Namjoon."

"Nice to officially meet you, most people here know you as RM." I say.

"You've been here before? I think I would've remembered you."

I look away to get myself together then look back at him.

"No that droopy beaded boy over there has though and told me about you guys." I inform.

We both look over to see Jungkook quickly look away from us as if he isn't spying.

"Did you guys come here together or...."

"Yes but not in the way your thinking." I see a bit of relief spread through his face and it grows quiet and kinda awkward between us.

"So are here to perform?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No. Jungkook dragged me here, but I'm glad he did, I'm enjoying myself." I say to him. He looks down at his feet moving up and down of his heels. "And I enjoyed you." I say which catches him by surprise. He quickly looks at me, smiling, with those freaking dimples again.

Gosh I just wanna touch them....I just wanna touch his face.

"What did you enjoy about it?" He asks.

Well first of all you're fiiiine.

"You're stage presence is amazing. Not to mention you're a talented rapper. Plus there's this thing about you, I can't quite explain it, but the way you pour yourself into the songs are....amazing." I catch myself, stopping before I continue to talk more.

I look over to him to see his expression but it was unreadable.

"Are you sure you're not performing?" Were the first words he spilled from his mouth.

"Yes." I laugh. "Why'd you ask that?"

"Because only a performer can analyze and tell that much from a single performance."

"T-that doesn't have anything to do with...."

He cuts me off. "Ah, you're hiding something." He folds his arms.

"Which is none of your business, considering the fact that you're a complete stranger." I respond by also folding my arms, mimicking his stance.

"Not for long." He steps closer to me, biting his lip as he looks down at me.

I don't know how, but I keep my composure.

In fact I step closer to him.

"What gives you that idea?" I say with a smug look plastered on my face.

We stay staring at each other, tension very clear, then the announcer starts speaking to the crowd.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, our last performers couldn't make it, so sorry but thank you all for coming."

Everyone in the crowd was disappointed and people slowly starting making their way out the building. I start to look around for Jungkook, but he is nowhere in sight.

I follow the group of people out the building only to be met by heavy rain. I quickly hide under a pillar and take out my phone when I feel it buzz.

Kookie: Left early, had to take Taehyung home, he was drunk out of his mind. I can pick you up but it'll be an hour until I get there, due to the storm.

"Ugh, Kook, I swear- ugh." I start texting back angrily.

Me: Fine kook but hurry up.

It immediately dings back.

Kookie: Oof you called me kook, that's never good, I'll try my best.

I fold my arms, mad and trying to keep myself from freezing.

Then I felt a jacket wrap around my shoulders. I jump, startled by the action and quickly turn around, and to my luck, it was my dimpled face crush.

I quickly relax and smile as I see him.

"I thought you left already." He tells me.

I shake my head. "Nope Jungkook left me." I pout at him, playfully. "And he was my ride."

He smiles and stands closer to me.

"Well I have a car and I can take you home. I know I'm basically a stranger to you bu...."

"Yes! Yup. Please take me home, where's your car?" I ask eagerly.

"I-It's over there." He points and we both look at each other....then book it to his car. I try to our run him but he was faster, opening the car door for me. He gets in and we both basically die laughing at our childish ways.

He turns the heat on since we were now basically drenched in rain water. I take my phone out and text Jungkook.

Me: Kookie, I'm good, I'm getting a ride home from Namjoon, the rapper that was on stage.

Kookie: Ooo, now I'm back to kookie? He already has you wrapped around his finger.

Me: 🙄

Kookie: 😂 Okok, tell me when you get home, and don't do anything I would do. 😉

I shake my head as we make it to his car. Namjoon opens the door for me and I hop in. He makes it to his side and starts the car. Before taking off he turns to me and smirks.

As if it didn't happen he backs his way out the parking lot and we leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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