he likes me??

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Harvey's pov

"Get the hell of me" I yell but he doesn't get of me I was getting impatient "get off or else" I say

"Or else what?" He asks I punch him in the stomach

"That" I said and he hits me back we start fighting more and more people gather around I am on the floor and he is on top of me we both stop or movements and look into each others eyes then he looks at my lip he leans is a little bit then stands up I then get up as well I dust myself off then walk to class the look in his eyes omfg I almost died he was on top of me his dick was on my dick I start breathing heavily just thinking about what just happened my heart beat gets faster and faster I was to busy thinking about what just happened I had spaced out the whole lesson and the bell just rang I jumped and started packing my stuff I walk out the classroom only to be blocked my Derek "do you mind" I say

"No I dont" he says I roll my eyes and walk past him but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back inside the classroom

"Will you get off me" I say I push him but we end up getting into a fight again and once again I am on the floor and he is on top of me i look up at him and he is just sat there looking back at me i blush

"Why you blushing" he asks me

"I-I'm not" I say

"Sure~" he says why is Derek still on top of me?? I ask myself and my question was answered when he kissed me passionately his lips were soft and they tasted like strawberrie lip balm I obviously kiss back our lips dance together Derek clearly won for dominance he pulls away "emm I have to go" he says and stands up

"W-wait" I say still a bit shocked as to what just happened

"What" he says in an angry tone

"Well excuse me for wanting to know why you kissed me" I say annoyed I stand up then walk to the door

"I dont know" he says and I turn around

"Dont know what?" I ask

"I dont know why I kissed you I just really wanted to like this morning but I didnt so I did then" he says looking down I walk over to him

"Derek do you like me?" I ask

"I-I dont know Harvey" he says

"Well what do you know?" I ask

"That I miss when you was a not so shy nerdy kid who would blush when I was near you that I want to hold you and never let go and that I want to kiss you again" he says and I blush "that blush" he says and i smile

"Well Derek sorry to break it to you but that means you like me" I say and he walks closer to me

"Well if I can do this" he says and pecks my lips "any time I want then it's not so bad" he says and I blush harder "and if I get to see that adorable blush" he says "sorry I have to go" he says and walks out of the classroom I walk to john who was waiting in has car

"What took you so long" john asks me

"Emmmm long story" I say and john looks at my busted eye

"Who hit you" he asks

"Oh dont worry I wasn't the only one that got hurt but we sorted it" I say blushing as I remember every detail of what just happened

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