sleep over

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Harvey's POV

"Come on let's go eat" derek says and takes my hand and I follow him to the dining room and we sit down his mum puts the plates down in front of us

"Thank you Mrs Gorge" I say and she smiles

"Your welcome sweetie" she says and we start eating

"So have you to had sex yet?" Tom asks and I choke on my food and Derek pats my back and then I go bright red

"TOM" Mr Gorge says

"What" tom asks

"You dont ask things like that" Mr Gorge says

"But why" tom whines

"Because that's something for them to know not you or anyone else" Mr Gorge says and it all goes silent and I feel awkward and Derek notices that

"Me and harvey are going to watch a film in my room" he says and takes my hand

"Thank you for the food Mrs Gorge" I say and Derek takes me upstairs "well that was awkward" I say and sit on his bed

"Told you he will ask questions" he says and turns on the tv we sit in his bed and he wraps his arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder and we watch a action and adventure film

"I should get going" I say and yawn

"You can stay over if you want" he says and I look up at him and blush

"O-ok" I say and he pecks my lips he gives me a t-shirt to put on I pit it on and it goes down over my knees and covers my boxers he puts a top on as well but it's not big on him we get into his bed and spoon. I look up at him "I love you I know we have only been together for" I look over to the clock and it 1am then look back up at him "exactly 2 days but I know I love you with all my heart" I say and he smiles

"I love you too princess with all my heart" he says and I lean up and kiss him softly u snuggle closer to him and we soon fall asleep

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