Chapter Three: Piss Off

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P.o.v Lucinda(3rd person)

Lucinda was foaming inside with a violent rage toward the mutt for even speaking towards William that way. If she had it her way the silver knife dipped in wolf bane would be lounged in his eyeball but she didn't want to make William anymore nervous than he was or put him in a dangerous situation. Lucinda was smart enough to spot a alpha and knew it was in her best interest to only piss the lower ranking wolf off and not risk her young masters life.

He wasn't like the other younglings she knew or even he knew. He did not feed off of her and he even had a hard time feeding off of donors. He was shy and timid all the time and hated interacting with others human, vampire, werewovle, pixie! Her young master didn't care who or what you were he did not talk to anyone except her and she didn't mind at all.

She knew her young master better then she knew herself and you bet she was proud of that fact.

She had fallen in love with her young master when she first laid eyes on the boy six years ago when he was just four and she had just turned sixteen; it wasn't a romantic type of love it was a motherly type of love. She did though fall in hate with Williams older brother Asher. He is a egoistic little bastard who was determined to make her life a living hell and so far he made good to it most the time. At first she deemed him older than her but much to her surprise she was two months older than the pest. Lucinda had just concluded he had a form of little man syndrome or was envious his younger brother was being treated like a baby and he wasn't but she didn't care about the reason why he acted out as long as Her young master was never inovled in Asher's schemes, tantrums, or even day to day schedule.

She heard small gasps and followed her young masters gaze. She turned her head to find Asher in the diner and it made her already foaming anger simmer as she placed her burger down. William looked up to his older brother and she knew it by the way his eyes lit up or when he defend his older brother's wrong doing, though she hated it with a passion she didn't want William to be ever be sad so she learned to be around Asher for his sake. Her glare did not soften when Asher finally looked at them with his usual emotionless cold silver eyes and devilish smirk.

"Lucy, fancy seeing you here"He spoke with a chuckle as he sat directly beside her and ignored William and didn't bother with greeting his brother back. It made her want to kick him and scream but she didn't, she just moved closer to William ignoring Asher's predator gaze that held a bit of anger in them from her rejection.

"only Master William has the rights to call me Lucy Asher, to you I am either Lucinda or Miss Owens nothing more than that"She stated in her clipped tone as she kept her head held high and her gaze hard.

She bared scars from Asher's attacks and bites but it did not make her scared it only fueled her hatred it more. The only thing Asher did not do was force her into sexual things. Though that did not stop him flirting with her, groping her or even striking her when she would tell him to piss off. She was a strong girl and fought off any type of Asher seducing or attacks. To other caretakers, blood donors or slaves and even vampire it seem like Lucinda was playing hard to get with the next heir in line but she wasn't: she fell in to hate with Asher from glance like she fell in love with William at first glance.

There was a reason he hadn't forced her into sexual activity because he wanted bragging rights to having a female without force but force would be the only way he'd getting something from her! She would never lie willing with a pest like Asher.

"Well Lucinda"He spoke low with anger laced in his words; That was the thing about Asher, he was easily angered. You'd could never tell what would set him off."You two are requested to come home this instant"

"To probably be dinner"The wolf with dark auburn hair spoke with a snicker and Lucinda narrowed her eyes at him.

"Sorry mutt but we don't allow filthy animals into our home, we don't like mud blood and mother is allergic to dogs"It was Asher to speak this time with a smug little smirk as he rose to his feet and William followed and surely after Lucinda had. She held William's hand so she wouldn't lose him nor would any wolves be able to take him.

She avoided looking at the alpha but to what she assumed was his beta is were her eyes stayed with a glare. She couldn't look at the other male because the way he looked at her was how Asher looked at her when he wanted to feed off of her but unlike Asher gaze the wolf gaze had her body heating up with this unknown feeling.

"Asher I need to get Master William home now, we don't have time for you to flirt"She said in her usual laid back tone she had with William. She watched as the wolf snapped at her and snarled as for Asher was shooting daggers at her but followed Lucinda as she exited the diner ad they began to make it to The Vonnegut's home and domain that held other vampires and humans.

||||Opinions? Thoughts? Anyways I know I'm probably getting a head of myself but I was thinking Asher would make a interesting person to write a Soul mate story about! Opinions on my future projects would be helpful!

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