Chapter Five

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Lucinda watched as the lower ranking who weren't born pure bloods caster around to set up for the full moon. It happened once every six months when the new full moon rose to its highest in the night sky and the moon goddess blessed those to transform for the first time and unmated wolves to have a better chance to find their mates but for vampires it was a time werewolves barely had self control and attacks were most likely to able.

"They look almost like their scared, Lucy"William spoke softly as he sat beside his caretaker as he gripped her hand in his. She thought of a reply to ease her young masters mind of what was happening but it was Asher who spoke up first.

"They are. Their lives and immortality are at risk. If a wolf gets in here then that means the younglings including us are in danger. Plus the chance of one of our humans being mates to one of them."Asher said as he sat down beside William as his own gaze were of the changlings who were working hard to set up a outstanding guarding system.

"They won't take Lucy from me! I won't let them"William spoke with a soft tremble as he looked up at his caretaker who gave his hand a soft reassuring squeeze as a smile graced her lips. William loved the mortal women with all of his barely beating heart. He had called her mom up till the age of eight before Asher had corrected him. He had barely seen his parents except for dinner and events anything beside that he had spent with Lucinda. She was closest thing he had to a mother.

"I will not leave your side William, not even when I'm old and gray. Not even when I can barely walk. I will spend my last days taking care of you and my last breathe will be for you"Lucinda spoke as she looked down at her young master brushing the loose hair out of his face. She loved the boy with all of her heart and to say other wise would be a lie. Her adoration for her young master was beyond anything she has ever tried to commit herself too.

"If you could reframe from all this emotional bull shit that would be great"Asher had snorted as he rose back up to his feet as he casted a gaze down at them."Keep way from the gates and stay in the premises both of you"He growled lowly before walking off.

Lucinda watched his retreating figure with a skeptical look on her face. Asher words were more for him than for them. He hated the idea that the wolves would be able to take anything that the Vonnugets had. The fact that hunters would be out and about as well always made the security around tighter.

She tapped her fingers against the bench as she closed her eyes with a sigh. She was a natural born hunter to the extend that it caused her to pick fights with most supernatural beings like Asher or the wolf she tried to fight in the diner. It pulses through her veins like the water that flows through the Nile.

It was the main reason the Vonnugets picked Lucinda out of the orphanage; she beyond the skills of a normal care taker. She couldn't only take care of their younger son but destroy any wolf that stumbled across her path. She was thankful for vampires who took her in here and raised her and allowed her to be Williams caretaker.

"Lucinda?William asked softly as he glanced at his care taker who seem to be deep in her thoughts as her eyes clearly stated that she was far away as her eyes glossed over.

"Yes?"She asked barely above a whisper as he rested his head against her neck nuzzling it softly for comfort as she wrapped her arms around him securely as he eyes slowly closed.

"I love you"He said as he closed his own eyes relaxing her comfortable touch as he wanted to call her mother once again.

"I love you too young master William"She spoked softly as she softly rubbed his small as the room grew quiet and they waited for the new full moon to pass but fate was not in favor of Lucinda as a low growl shook the wall drew them away from their comfortable silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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