Chapter Four: Marking isn't a crime....

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Samuel had been distracted for the past three days since he laid eyes on his mate, it was natural for s wolf to miss his other half. He had been thinking of ways to take her without the vampires being on his heel or some way to mark her without causing any harm to her. He growled in frustration as he banged his fist against his wooden desk hearing a small crack.

"What am I going to do?"He said with desperation as he took a seat in his chair and placed his head in his hands trying to calm him and the beast inside him. He was desperate to have her not only for himself but for his pack. Luna's set examples for young females and made the pack feel as a actual family. She would be there to keep him from doing something rash or horrible. A Luna balanced out the alpha strict and harsh behavior with her sweet and loving one.

"So since your done with your little tantrum Sam, I've got the caretaker's file. I don't know why this is more important than planning out what we'll be doing for the full moon but that's not my business"Nykia said with his usual bored tone as he tossed the file on his desk and like the desperate man he was he greedily snatched it up. He knew his beta thought he looked pathetic and he was.

He wanted to know where she lived and what she where her parents resided. Did they know their little girl was raising a vampire youngling? Did they not care enough to check up on her?

'Orphaned' his wolf trialed off as he read. The dark brown wolf whimpered lowly enough it slipped past his humans lip as well.'She's orphaned Samuel...'

'I know' was all he was able to reply as his chest ached. Who could abandon a beauty like Lucinda? To him and his wolf she was to be cherished and was a treasure to the world.

Nykia cleared his throat and placed his hand over the file."If your done being a love sick puppy we can discuss the full moon that's coming tonight. Are we moving the pack to the east or allowing them to roam our territory and potentially into the town"He said stretching the word town.

On the full moon werewolves become more primal and animalistic. Their wolves become in charge and well of course they let loose. Samuel knew it was dangerous to have them close to the town because if one of his pack members stumble upon their mate like this it would dangerous. It is a natural instinct as it was to have your mate but when in primal instinct takes over your most likely to mark and mate with them. Anyone standing in the way would be seen as a threat and elimated and if rejection was placed there would be no telling what could happen to the mortals. Samuel though could not keep his thoughts straight as his eyes flickered back to the file.

His need to have his mate was one that caused him to be rash and unreasonable.

"Set the boundaries for the pack territory"Samuel said as his gaze flickered to his beta who had a grim look on his face but nod. It was rare for Samuel to allow those who will shift for the first time and those who are unmated to run some what freely. When boundaries are set thick wires are set up that pusle with silver and wolf bane; one of two things usually happen, it causes them to calm down or shift back or angers the wolf to push forward and break the trap. Either way it was found a inhumane way to allow things to happen.

////Short I know but typing this out on my cellular device was pretty hard.

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