Double Trouble

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TERRY: From Japan, we have Evan Ho. But we also have Jonathan Ho, his lookalike twin brother.

CHRIS: This could be trouble, because they are completely the same. One brother may set the bar for the other and if that happens, the other brother might be disappointed know.

TERRY: And it looks like a 99.9%-chance-possibility, as Evan is on the Mag Wall with 70 points, nearly done.


TERRY: Yeah, but all that showing off puts him in third place, just missing Aden and far slower than Edward, who's still in first.

CHRIS: More bad news: Kate Wong has now been eliminated because of Evan's score. This also puts John Chan on the bubble, but the good news is Edward from U.S.A has secured his spot in Level 2. So has Aden Chan, Evan Ho, and Connor Chiew.

TERRY: 2 Americans in Level 2, eh? Lucky us!

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