Chapter Two//Cuts and Promises

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A/N: We really jumping into this lets go- TW: Cutting. Mention (?) of a suicide attempt.

"Are you alright, Janus?" Logan asked, watching Janus walk into the lightscape.

Janus hid his face, covered in tears as he quickly rushed into his new room, throwing his stuff onto the yellow sheeted bed.

He picked out the things that he could save. Clothes, books, pictures. He examined all of them, angry at himself and angry at Remus for not hearing him out. He knew what he said could've been phrased different but he didn't think it through.

'Evil Twin'

Damn right he could've phrased it better.

Janus disposed of all of the torn and broken items, wiping his tears and sitting on his bed, looking to his bedroom door, hoping Remus would come barging in talking about some new sexual innuendo he'd come up with.

But Remus never did.

Janus looked down again, not stopping the tears this time.

With Remus...

Remus looked up to his door and back to the knife in his hands, running a finger across the blade, watching as the blade cut his finger a bit. He'd promised Janus that he'd never cut again. Or do anything worse again.


Remus bubbled up with rage, memories flooding in.

Janus broke his promise.

A promise to never leave him.

He let out a shaky breath, feeling the blade run from his wrist to the crook of his arm, watching the blood drip onto the wood floor.

A couple cuts later, he bandaged up his arm, putting the knife away in his drawer. He got out pen and paper, writing down a long message for a certain snake.

Remus rubbed his tired eyes, smearing some blood and makeup on his face in the process before placing the note in the drawer and laying back on his bed.

It was official.

Remus was alone.

A/N: Janus stans gonna be coming at me broooo

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