Lost Souls...32

193 43 18

Sand in my shoes

Watching the sun reflect

The ocean is my only


But then again

A friend would at least

Have mercy

The ocean is guilty

Guilty of holding onto

All the lost souls

An ocean with no mercy

Never wanting to let them go


Hello everyone, I just want to let you all know that all the comments, the votes, the views, make me so happy to see. Because it truly feels like I'm getting closer to my dream. A dream that I feel like I've put on hold for far too long, letting other things be a priority.

But, as much as I'm happy for my dream, it also makes me very happy to see other people reach their dreams too, whether that be a doctor, a lawyer, an influencer, a youtuber, an astronaut, a writer, and etc. Whatever you want to be, it's there for you to reach...

...Thank you kind people for reading this ^_^

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