Chapter 1: Again, Really?

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Ugh. I need to get up. I've been laying here for what feels like hours.. but it's been a few days since I slept last..

What? You thought the story was over? me too. It's been almost five years since I've seen my old friends. See, the island is just as hard to get off of as it is to get on. So even if they tried to come for me.. they'd most likely die trying.

You're probably wondering what happened to me after I sent my friends into the ocean and sacrificed myself to the cops. To put things shortly, everytime they tried to take me off the island, the vehicle would crash in a violent burst and I'd be sent back to the shore. So eventually they just started shooting, so I had to live in the deep forest. The locals don't mind me, they're not snitches. But the cops mind me. They are snitches. I'd spent the last few days building a little shelter out of scraps. My island friend, Sherlene helped me out. If you remember correctly, which let's hope you do because otherwise you arent listening to me and I am a very good story teller! But anyways Sherlene was the lady who helped us all the way back when Avery got kidnapped in that... one Mansion.. then we found her again at a fast food place and Avery gave her hella cash to raise her kids! Anyways, Life hasn't been good. I wanna die.

You're probably wondering where everybody else is in life, well, Danielle got control of her Company again, and it's been booming to the gods. If she's not working she's taking care of her little baby child.

Avery snapped once the cops found him and was put into a rehabilitation center, then prison, then thrown out of prison because he was too much work.

Roa has started a very successful makeup channel, that's pretty much it. Kinda boring but whatever.

And Dylan... ugh.. he got arrested for.. murder.. obviously. But some TV scout found him in prison and busted him out, and together they started some garbage reality show.

And I'm stuck talking to rocks with googly eyes and fake eyelashes pretending they're my friend.

Her name is Stare and she never sits down like.. just sit down! Ugh she can be so annoying. Like how you gonna be a rock and not a diamond? I found her at the bottom of a volcano when I fell in, but dont worry! The lava recognized how beautiful and sexy I was so it decided not to kill me, so i swam through the lava to find her... and climbed my beautiful ass out.

"Yeah but that's how I killed my fourth husband.." Sherlene said, Snapping me back to reality. She had been talking the entire time and I was just thinking, like my mind is so powerful that the thoughts were so loud they were drowning her out.

"Yeah yeah yeah.. cool.. "
I responded, picking the beetle up with my index fingers and putting it in my mouth, chewing cautiously. Sometimes they be squirting blood down your throat and it gets stuck down there so it's just gooey. I hate it so much.

"What's wrong darling?" Sherlene asked, slurping down a coconut bowl of dirt flakes.

"I miss my friends... well some of of them. Roa." I responded, breaking my plate in half and taking a bite out of it.

"I know you do, doll. But you have to move on eventually, people come and go... just ask my husbands. Their bank accounts came.. and they went." She sighed, biting her nail longingly.

"Girl please. That's a load of horse cow shit." I responded.

For those of you who live normal lives, a horse cow is when a cow and a horse love each other very much and create a litter of 19 babies, out of those babies two of them live. One turns into a human, the other one a horse cow. Horse cows spit acid and blink sand. And you cant ride them because their spines are made of jelly. To put it shortly.

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