Sick day

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Jack😌✨: he asks if you are ok and if you need anything then u say aww idk...wait actually wait i am a bit hungry then he replys with ok ill be sure to make u some tomato soup and ice-cream for desert so you say oh thank you and give hin a gentle smile then a few minutes later he comes back with your food and a fresh glass of pure orange juice and he sits in bed with you while you eat your food and watch a movie .

Wyatt🥺✌🏼: buys you a coffee and you fav donut he comes back and gives you them and u both just have a nice conversation on what your doing on the next day whilst you eat and drink your coffee and donut .

Finn🐸☺️ : he runs you a hot bubble bath and puts some relaxing music on and while your in the bath he goes out to the shops and buys u a green tea face mask and some brand new pyjamas when he gets back he says there are some suprises out the door that u can put on when u get out the bath when u get out the bath u put your new stuff on and go in to the living room and say thank you to him .

Jaeden🌈🌊 : gets a blanket out makes you some hot chocolatte then u both put a movie on enjoy your hot chocolatte and talk then u both listen to calming music on and relax before he goes he makes you a get well card and says i hope u get well soon and u say thank you then he leaves but still contacts you to check on you .

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