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jack:see's u at the park hes having a picnic with his friends u walk over and say hii im a huge fan of u he then responds with aww thats sweet well since your such a big fany dont u come n have some ice pops with me n my freinds you shout OFC AHH TYSM that would be amazing then jack smiles and introduces his friends to u then you's just talk,laugh and have a good time then u friend texts u saying heyy wanna meet up and we can go on a road trip??! u reply with sure ill meet u at the shops so we can buy food and all of that stuff so were not hungry on the way there so not hungry or thirsty meet you there thx ly x but before u leave u thank jack and u both add eachother on insta .                                             

wyatt:u see him at the shop buying ice-pops uthen think its a good idea to buy u and ur friend ice-pops to he says oh hi im wyatt but before he gets to finish u say yes ik wyatt olaff you are , the kid of IT ur such a good actor then he responds with wow ty , im just buying an ice pop i mean its so warm today then u say omg ikr its boiling outside umm so if u dont have any plans today me and my friend are going to a waterpark if u wanna come then hes says actually i dont have any plans today so sure u respond with yayy lets get going then and smile when u arrive at the water park the three of u have so much fun but then before u all go home he asks for ur number so u give it to him and both become realy close .

finn:u see him practicing the guitar and u go over and say hi finn big fan ur realy good at the guitar i love u in IT and i also love your band he then says aww ty i could teach u the guitar if u like then respond with omg yes please then u become realy good at guitar so he says wow ur good im gonna buy u one c'mon lets go and smiles u say ahh tyy omg lets go eek then u both arrive at the shops he buys u a guitar and both add eachother on snapp and stay in touch .

jaeden:u see him having an outdoor photoshoot so u go over and boost his confidence by saying wow these pics look so awesome then u made him so happy that he even offered u for a few proffesional pictures with him and u so ofc u say yes then about 2 hours later u get all of the perfect pics but before u go he says do u have IG snap or a number u say i actually have all so he says ill add u on all of them then u smile and u both become friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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