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"The Resistance?"

Tatoni and Poe stood side by side as they talked to the Blarina, Ogn Gos.

"Yes, we're part of the resistance," Poe said again.

"I do not believe you. No one in a long time comes up to me and say they in resistance."

"So it's happened before?" Tatoni said as she crossed her arms, becoming slightly annoyed that the two were still dirty, in need of water, and a ride off Jakku.

"Not in long time." Ogn says, looking to Tatoni. "I say that. Not in long time."

"Right-" Tatoni begins before Poe clears his throat.

"Look, I know it would be hard to believe but we're telling the truth." Poe intervened, slightly stepping in front of Tatoni.

"I believe them." Naka Lit said, stepping into the conversation. "They save me and my speeder. I believe them."

Ogn looked to Naka, considering them as he leaned against his hut. "Okay. I give you a ship. I support Resistance."

"Thank you." Poe said with a triumphant smile.

"Come, I take you to clean up." Naka said to Tatoni and Poe. "While Gos gets ship,"

He led them through the small sandy town. People stared at them, most likely not used to strangers, and they each whispered to one another which made Tatoni want to shrink into the sand. Naka opened the door to his small hut, inviting the two in. Poe bent down to fit in, Tatoni's curly head barely touching the ceiling.

"I have to talk to Maki. You two clean up. Water on table." Naka said before closing the door behind them.

Tatoni looked around the hut. It was only one room. A small bath in the corner full of clean, warm, bubbly water. On the opposite end of the hut was a table with cups full of cool water.

"You can bathe first." Poe said as he sat down in the seat next to the table, grabbing a cup off of the table before chugging it.

Tatoni walked up to the table and did the same. The cool water running down her throat, healing it.

"There's not much privacy." Tatoni said after she set her empty cup down.

"I wont look." he stated, looking up at Tatoni from his small seat, his knees bent up to his chest from his closeness to the ground.

She rolled her eyes before walking over to the bath. "You better not, or you're a dead man."

"I've been close to death a few times now. I think I could handle you." Poe said, turning around to face the wall.

"I doubt that." she smiled to herself before looking back at him. His back to her as he lightly tapped his foot on the floor.

Stripping herself was an easy enough task. So when she stepped into the bath, the water engolfing her legs, she groaned out at the feeling. So warm. So clean.

"You good back there?" Poe said, still keeping heavy eye contact with the wall.

"You know I am," she sunk down into the water, letting it's warmth engulf her.

"Do I?" he asked, slightly chuckling to himself.

She began to scrub herself, not wanting to take up anyone's time. Although she'd much rather sit and close her eyes, just feeling the warmth around her.

"Did he hurt you?" she asked out of the blue.

"What?" he asked, not knowing what she meant.

"You have dry blood running down your forehead... Did Kylo Ren hurt you?" she stared down at the water, uncertain if she should be asking her question.

The Bird and the Flame   --   Poe DameronWhere stories live. Discover now