Chapter 8

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Warning ⚠️ may have Mild language

VIEWER Discretion advice

I think about what my teacher said yesterday as I get up

"You better be ready tomorrow because I'm coming bigger and better"

I start getting for school trying to get myself mentally prepared for what's about to happy today, wondering if i made the right choice.

When I get to school everyone is looking at me whispering to their friends, some calling me brave others calling me a fool. I go to my locker about my books when I see a familiar person from the corner of my eye

"Good morning Ms. Annie" said the person

Ughh seriously why me I say to myself. I looked up to see my science Mr. Mick

"I hope you are ready for today's debate" he starts "Because I'm coming bigger and better" he finish's.

I was about to say something when he  goes around me to his classroom. Unlike the other day I feel ready. I don't feel as scared like I was yesterday. I feel determined totally ready for what he has to throw at me. I start to walk over to the science room ready to prove what I know about God. To fight no matter what.

God help me


Everyone is here in class when I make it to the classroom. When I walk in everyone is looking me. The class grows silent.

I gulp

I try to find my seat while everyone is looking at me. I feel like the popular girl. Like I have 5 heads 3 noses, and 4 arms. I don't like all this attention, all these eyes on me like am a monster like I'm a freak of nature. As I'm deep in thought a student trips me and I fall head first. Everyone is laughing at me now.

"You fucking prick" a guy says "oops my bad I didn't see you there"

Everyone laughs harder I can't take it. I pick up my books and as I'm about to say something the teacher calls out.

"Calm down all of you" he starts. "Jackson after class got it!" He yells.

The whole class is suddenly quiet again. I start to head to my seat when Mr. Mick starts talking.

"So Ms. Annie I want you to take 10 minutes to get all your notes ready, then when the time is up we will start the debate" he states.

"Ok got it" I say

As I get my stuff together the class is muttering to themselves.

"I hope the teacher wins" says one student. "There's no way she can prove that God is real"

"She's an idiot" says another "debating with the smartest teacher ever. He is going to demolish her to the ground"

As I'm hearing this I start praying to myself.

God please help me I don't know if I can do this without you. People are talking about me. I might embarrass myself. Honestly I don't think I should've done this. I made a big mistake trying to debate the teach. Honestly I made a big mistake even coming here to school. Having my mom make me come here. But please help me. Use me God to help this class know that you are God.


To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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