Chapter 2~ Morning Issues...🤭

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Haii! I am really sorry about chapter 1 already having a smut, but that is the only smut for the rest of the book. Love you all stay cranky lovelies baiiii!!!!!!!~Marie♡︎ (E/C)= eye color
(H/C)= hair color (F/S)= favorite sandwich


Ethan's POV
After I threw the condom away, I went back in bed with (Y/N). She fell asleep in seconds. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was perfect. She had a smile that could light a room. She had gorgeous (E/C) eyes. Her (H/C) hair was so soft and straight/ wavy/ curly.

What am I talking about? This is a one night stand, I can't catch feelings for her now. I fell asleep drowning in my many thoughts.

I got up after the party being wasted and a thrashing headache washes over me. I realize I'm in someone's bed and I am naked... Oh no!

That's when it hit me. I had a one night stand. I got out of bed trying not to wake the blue haired Ethan. I grabbed my purse, slipped on my dress, put on my shoes, and called an Uber.

I got home and took a shower while thinking of Ethan. I couldn't get his cheeky smile out of my head. He really was perfect. Then again, it was just a one night stand.

I got out of the shower and got dressed in a white fitted shirt, some high waisted jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes. (A/N) The picture represents what you wore minus the suitcase. Sunglasses are a part of this look.

 Sunglasses are a part of this look

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I got up to go get Daisy's leash. She is my 1 year old golden retriever. I got my brown purse (Pictured above) and head out the door, grabbing my keys going out. I walk to the café on the way to the park. I end up getting a coffee/tea.

As I continue walking, I couldn't help but notice a similar blue haired boy walking in the distance. He seemed to be on his phone. I put on my sunglasses and continue walking. Before I pass him, he looks at me and shouts my name. " Hey (Y/N)!! How have you been?" "Hi E-Ethan... I'm g-good how are you?" I studdered a lot trying not to think about what happened. "Are you sure your good? Anyways, I'm fine. Well uh, I have to go.....see ya!" He walks off fast not saying another word.

Ethan's POV
I see (Y/N) walking up on the sidewalk. She had a cute golden retriever next to her. I have no clue why but I started to talk to her.
"Hey (Y/N)!! How have you been?" I instantly regretted it and wanted to run away. " Hi E-Ethan... I'm g-good how are you?" She studdered over her words and I knew something was up. "Are you sure your good? Anyways, I'm fine. Well uh, I have to go see ya!" I have never walked away faster in my life.

I shouldn't have said anything. What was I thinking? I'm so stupid. Who talks to a one night stand. I don't remember much. All I remember was meeting her, drinking, and then I woke up naked. All I know is I was hella drunk.

I continued walking Daisy and let her play at the park (dog park). As she finished up playing, I hooked her leash and set off back home.

Once I got home I checked my messages and sure enough there was one from Ethan.

(Y=you Blue Boi🔵= Ethan)
Blue Boi🔵- Hey...
Y- Hey
Blue Boi🔵- Sorry about earlier today but I was wondering if we could get lunch tomorrow?😊
Y- Sure... And it's fine😁
Blue Boi🔵- Great!! We can walk. I'll be there at 11a.m. Sound good?
Y- Yeah. See you then!! Bye😁
Blue Boi🔵- Okay😊

I don't know why he is still talking to me after what happened. I guess he likes me?
I really like him. I could've declined, but of course I didn't. Maybe we can get over that night? I just hope that this goes well and it doesn't turn awkward.

*Beep beep beep* I turn off my alarm it is 7 in the morning. I get up and go eat some cereal. I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I get out and wrap my (F/C) towel around me. When I get to my room I get dressed in a white lacy spaghetti strap, blue skinny jeans, white tennis shoes, and a basic pink jacket. (Pictured below).

I do my makeup and curl my hair

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I do my makeup and curl my hair. I wait until I get a text from Ethan.

Blue Boi🔵- I am here...I hope I'm at the right address 😬
Y- Ok

I soon get a knock at the door. "Guess you had the right address." He looks up at me and smiles as we begin to walk. "You look really pretty." He tells me, as he rubs the back of his neck. "You don't look to bad yourself." He was wearing a black shirt with a maroon jacket, some skinny blue jeans, and some black tennis shoes.

We stop at a little café a little closer than the one near the dog park. I got (F/S) and a coffee/tea. Ethan got a turkey sandwich and a Carmel Latte. "Welcome to (random cafe)! I am Amy, I will be your server today!" (Where is Mark you ask? At home with CHICA😂)

Ethan and I have some pleasant conversation as we begin eating our sandwiches. I asked if he had any pets and he exclaimed that he had a dog named Spencer.

We finish eating and then we walk theater? "What are we doing?" He looks at me and smiles. "C'mon (Y/N). We are watching a movie, duh!" I follow behind and we get our tickets.


Hope you liked this!! It was about about a thousand words. If you would like them longer let me know!!! Well I'm going to eat I'm sTaRvInG!!! Love you all stay cranky lovelies baiii!!!!~Marie♡︎

Word Count in total:1050

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