~adventures arise~

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August 11th, 2025

Sedona, Arizona 

Population: 10,225


A golden piccadeli sun had just risen in a creamy cake batter laced skyline. 

The Winchester Brothers had stopped at a cracked out jifi-mart to stock up on snack-a-doodles and E-drinks. 

"Soou... Wut do we do now?" Sam asked, cracking open a Vanilla Black Cherry Bang and slurping it with newborn bug eyes while looking at his bro.

"Go on a mission," Dean replied nonchalantly, mouth full of honey choco grahms and staring back at Sam.

"W-Wut mission?" Sam inquired, squiting his eyes and shaking his homosapian shroom-cut so it swayed a bit in the melon-moon breeze as he watched a few crumbs fall from Dean's mouth.

"The one we're gonna find," Dean mumbled, crumbs flying out of his mouth and into Sam's wide mocha bug eyes. 

Sam rubbed at his eyeball, disolving the crumb into his cornea, while saying "Uhm excuse me but wait, how are we gonna do that exactly?" 

"I dunno... but we're gonna do it." Dean exclaimed and swerved the Winchester-Mobile into a cheap motel parking lot named 'The Foxtoot Bed n' Boot'.

Dean shut off the engine and Sam looked around curiously out the window with his mouth slightly agape like a smol child surveying a big cruel world. 

"But first, we need some winkeye." Dean said in the middle of a huge yawn, smirking afterwards with watery eyes from the yawn.

"Yeah I guess so.." Sam trailed off, eyeing his brother oddly.

Dean suddenly sat up straighter in his seat, scaring his bro.

"Potty snackers!" Dean exclaimed loudly, a little too loudly for his bro.

"Uh... wut?" Sam doted in shock as they began to get out of the car.

"Yeah, potty snackers. People who snack in the restroom, on the potty, off the potty, either way they're bathroom poop breakers I mean rule breakers." Dean explained in dramatic detail, using lewd hand-motions to demonstrate.

"Uh huh.. ok... sure." Sam said hesitantly, just to humor Dean.

"Cmon, let's go in Sammie." Dean nudged Sam's shoulder and they both walked towards the inn, clad in matching blue flannels, Dean sauntering and Sam trailing by his side.

Upon entering the Inn, the brothers smelt black beans and brown eyed bread baking, the moist buttery scents of toasted pine nuts and hazelcorn assaulted their senses. 

The initial interior was a cozy grandma vibe to it, decored in pale pink and yellowing white, ruffles adorned every curtain and toiletseat you could think of.

A big burly fat man with pedo glasses lurched on his nose, looking to be in his 40's, sat behind the front desk, eyeing the two brothers as though they were pieces of candy to his gluttinous haunting eyes.

"Hello..?" Dean qued, breaking the old mans silence.

"WELL, hiya there! Who might you be? And you lil fellur?" The berly innkeeper exclaimed, first looking at Dean then staring a little too hard at Sam.

"Uh, I'm Dean and this is my brother Sammie," Dean said, ruffling up Sam's homosape hairdew.

"It's Sam!" Sam corrected, smacking Dean's hands away from his hair.

"Well, well! Nice to meet you fine boys, I hope you'll stay at Bootn'toot! IT's quiiite the hoot!" The inkeeper said and busted up laughing, the wrinkles on his face sinking 7 feet deep into the leathered tan flesh.

The creepy innkeeper continued to stare at them, smiling warmly with Candy Larry's teeth.

"Actually I think we'll just be leaving..." Sam said, giving Dean 'a look' and twerking his head towards the door hinting that they should leave.

"Uh... uh yeah we're leaving" Dean said in a daze, hypnotized by the Bright White dentures peering out of the innkeepers mouth as Sam pulled him along.

They went to walk out but the door was locked.

Tricto-tinged laughter echoed out, a gurgling sound fizzing in the back of the innkeepers throat as he smiled hugely at the brothers who slowly turned to face him.

Dean and Sam both looked at each other.

"SHIT!" Dean suddenly yelled and tried pulling Sam down with him as a barbers knife came flying towards them out of the demented innkeepers green-gloved hand.

"CoMe AlOnG My BoYz! TiMe To PlAy!" The innkeepers voice shrilled too the tone of the red crab thing from the power puff girls.

The next thing The Winchester Brothers knew, a stink-bomb rolled towards them and tooted out a horrid smelling, cabbage colored gas that knocked them out in a toot-beat.

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