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What is the first rule of the assassin glind?" A tall lanky man with brownish hair, looking down at the sea of heads below him boomed at the front of the class, he watched all of them like a hawk, daring even one of them to step out of line or misbehave.

Even though it is compulsory for all the assassin glinds girls to stand still with hands stretched to be touching each other and a blind fold over their eyes, it is part of their training since the moment they get sorted into the glind at ten years old, sometimes one or two out of a set never conform to rules, making his work difficult as their administrator, he has been in this position for years so he has witness such thing happened on some occasions. So he took his work very seriously, monitoring them closely In case of a loose thread that may be amongst them. Deciding to walk around the class so he can get a closer look on them, he asked his next question.

"Kill or be killed." The class of about hundred girls chorused loudly, making sure their voices were in sync.

"What is the second rule of the assassin glind?" The man asked again walking round the well spaced classroom filled with girls of a particular age. He watched making sure every girl was touching her hand with another.

"Die trying or die dishonorably" the girls chorused again.

Sheil tunes out the questions and the administrator in front of the class, she knows all the rules by heart, even without concentrating, she still answers each of the administrators questions. Trying not to move around too much or shuffle less her hand stopped touching another, she watched all the other girls in the classroom with her, even with her blindfold, her eyes are now used to it so that they can see through it. Soon she will have to fight some of these girls and probably kill some too. Twenty out of hundred of them will have to be out of the picture soon.

This is one of the reasons why emotional bonding, friendship or any connection of that sort between the girls is discouraged. Because, during the sorting weeks you can never tell who you will get paired with to fight, being connected to someone or having affectionate feelings can cloud a person's judgment during the fight, it is also probably one of the reason why they all have to wear blindfold during class hours, even though the rule stated it's for them to trained their other senses and to be aware of their environment without sight. Sheil suspects one of other reasons for the blindfold is so they won't be able to see each other or form any sort of friendship.

"As you are all aware, the coming week is your culling week, where you will get place with your bond sisters and also your familiar. It is going to be a rigorous week, filled with a series of tests to know your capabilities. Only eighty of you will remain at the end of the week." Sheil tune in to the administrator again. It would be disastrous to be caught watching others or moving at all during this hour.

"I strongly advise you all to brush up on your history and also to prepare your mind for what is ahead. Soon you will all leave this place and enter partially into the society. It is imperative that you understand your roles, more importantly you have to remember to make your administrator proud, is that understood?" The man asked, walking back towards his place at the front of the class.

"Yes, Administrator," they chorused.

"Today will be the last time you will attend classes, tomorrow you will be allowed to rest and then the day after, you begin your test." The administrator said and then clapped his hands three times.

Knowing that signify the end of the class, the girls started forming a single line to file out of the class. Sheil nearly sighs loudly but catches herself at the last minute. Even though she has been standing for three hours every day of her life since she got sorted into the glind. It's still difficult for her leg to obey her immediately after the end of the class. Now that she knows this will be the last time she will be standing like that, she feels glad for the end of the class.

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