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The chatter died down as several administrators strode through the open door of the hall and a handful pairs of eyes regarded them. One of the administrator who appears to look different than the other administrator, with back ramrod-straight like one of those trained guards, not a silvering hair out of place, dressed in black wingtips, traditional three-piece charcoal grey suit, accented with a red and black pocket square and a curiously old-fashioned emerald green bow tie, The main administrator, has finally graced them with his face, he made his way to the platform setup at one end of the hall.

For this reason, all the glinders in the were surprised when he passed behind the platform, bent down, and opened the bottom drawer on the left side of the floor. The echoing scrapes of wood indicated emptiness, though the main administrator withdrew something from the interior before sliding it closed. He stood, regarded the object in his hand, and returned to the platform, laying it atop the sloped and finished surface. The paper on the surface rustled as he unfolded and spread it out before him. He adjusted the wire-frame glasses perched on his nose and glanced at it for no more than ten seconds, though in the silence and confusion of the glinders it took an eternity. Then, with a curt nod which could have meant either approval or reproach, he placed the round flat object on the papers, and raised his head.

He looked around the hall, meeting each glinder's gaze like a drill instructor scanning recruits for signs of sloth or weakness, then cleared his throat. "As you are no doubt aware," he began in his carefully-modulated voice, "this is the final day of the culling test. And this is a very important part of the culling, the previous task has cut down your numbers from four hundred to two hundred and forty." In any other situation this would have provoked a celebratory outburst from those present, but the glinders remained seated, aware that the administrators looked down on such things. And even though it was the final day of staying in the Gam, there was still plenty to be concerned about. 

"Therefore, the rules dictates today is the day for your bonding and getting sold." He paused, scanning the hall again with an unreadable expression. "Though there was an unusual event that occurred in your previous test, this particular issue has caused speculations amongst the high society and also the administrator, which is why I am present today to handle today's bonding. This may cause an hurdle in the bidding and also this has caused the men to err on the side of caution, the bidding will be done on the interface."

He folded his hands behind his back and walked from behind the platform until he stood in front of it, his suit a contrast to the light wooden stand. "One of the girls from the assassin glinders got three familiars, this has only happened before and even it was different. Only the Prataya has ever gotten two familiars, and that is why he is the most powerful man and also the leader of our world. I will also like to mention that Laga, one of the species of familiar that the girl got, is an extinct creature and their breed can only be born every fifty years,there are only two existing Laga currently, one is the Prataya's familiar one is the breeding mother and the young one is currently connected to the assassin girl."

He paced, as if unnerved by the situation he was explaining, back and forth in front of the platform, a route designed to bring him around the center of the hall to address each glinders in turn. "This phenomenon has caused alot of panic amongst the men and we are currently looking for any error or cause that leads to this situation, no woman has ever been in the position of power and this situation signify that the girl would be the next in line for the Prataya."

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