Orange: One

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The alarm was silent, but Orange knew to wake up at his reckoning. His digital schedule showed up he did not work. Strange. He was scheduled to work today. Perhaps there was a diversity training for the new employees. How long has it been since Orange had been in a diversity course? Possibility is best that he had forgotten, but it's been much too long since he had forgotten something. Remembrance. How could one remember forgetting? He has long forgotten remembrance, as far as consciousness goes. But how. It has been a very proficient quality of his. Is this how it feels to be the victim of a paradox? Has he been chosen by a higher power to be framed by something he hadn't done? Had he been gaslighted? Is he sane? What can he do? This is too strange, but so familiar...Deja vu. Is this what deja vu feels like? Oranges heart is pounding, the pressure is immense. The heavy beating of his heart is a clock. The clock in which stabs deeper into his lungs as he sweats in his perfectly temperate 70 degree room. i am normali am going to bei am going to be okay i am okay -Apple-The lights appeared on, and there were men in suits of synthetic fibers made of nylon filaments. Very expensive process. Apple had been saving up every credit for one. The three men walked in, noticing the four aircraft, and took all four of our temperatures with a temperature gun, and our citizen identification. Near the end, the three men wore different shades of black. One was white, one was black, and one was grey. The one in the white suit took a grim facade, with his hands on his waist and bellowed,"up, workers!" We rose into a line."By order, you will all be shipped with your apertment to 4545B." He nods your the man in the grey suit. "You must be prepared to go by subway car, you may bring four bags that you may find in your apartment in the government drop off box. The subway will leave at nine in the morning, job assignments will be disclosed within thirty six hours," proclaims the man in the grey suit, as he then follows suit to the sharpest young looking gentleman in the black suit."I will answer any questions, and concerns," he gestures in a grandoire fashion as if to raise our hand or interject. No one had anything to mention, so the man in the grey suit breaks the silence. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen, you have the rest of the day to pack belongings and seal your apartment for official condemnation."Home. Home. Home. Stranger. Stranger. Stranger.

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