Episode 4: Stranger. Stranger. Stranger.

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Apple was home, it was a mess. Four neatly folded nylon fabric duffles were sitting in the government drop box directly next to the door.
"On with it," proclaims Apple tiredly as he grabs his shirts, folding them haphazardly. His pants, socks, skivvies, and jackets or other. That was the first of four labeled bags. The next was electronics and technology. His state mandated laptop had a slot in specific. He put his Virtual Reality training helmet inside, his computer, and various tangled headphones.
The third bag is for refrigerated goods. It was solar and thermal reactant so it stayed cold until the time of eleven in the morning tomorrow. He packed it full of his cold meat, vegetables, soda, energy drinks, and much more synthetic designed consumables.
The last bag was for fragile materials. This had no use for him, so he put his pillow and bedsheets in, and lastly his mothers one gift she had given him before she was put in care. One stone patterned quilt she had made in her time before the lights were manually snuffed in her building.
He has no recollection of her. Is she happy? Is she alive? Had she even remembered him? Did she have any questions or hopes for Apple? He marveled of what life could be if he were able to meet his mother.
Perhaps he will mention it in his thought and normalcy report next 6 Day. What has been going on outside? In the Shangri La.  Apple has sat there wondering until eventually he'd grown weary.
He then took a slow scamper into the restroom and showered frigid tonight. The bad feeling in Apple festered coldly as he briskly dried himself all off. He quickly took a freezer ice pack and put it on his back to help after an incident at work.
A considerable amount of weeks ago, Apple had been working on patching the underside of a helicopter, when he accidentally stuck the sautering gun to the bolt on the skid, which blew across the room, luckily into a heap of scrapped metal. He quickly turned over as the landing skid landed across his back ultimately breaking in half on impact. He was rushed to the infirmary where he was given antibiotics and a note for a chiropractor.
This had left him bruised and aching. He tried to call out for inability to work the day after but it was denied. That day he worked a mere three hours before he fainted from pain in his back after trying to fix the coolant in the aircraft. He leaned his back on the engine, which moved it perhaps a millimeter before it discharged acid in the battery. With ruined clothes and acid on his pained back, he was in no shape to be laboring over all of this. he passed out before he had the chance to scream. Faithful coworker Lime was kind enough to return his to the infirmary, where he was given the next day off. his supervisor was very upset.

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