Chapter Five: Orange

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Orange is an ordinary fellow as you had been previously briefed on. When he doesn't work, he often times reads classic novels of the victory that Marx and Lenin had. The style of writing by late author of the second progressive era of the early 21st century, Natalie Biden. It has been several years since she had been taken into care. Orange had read every one of her works, just like everyone his age. She wrote of the grandparents victories and her stories about the Second Great Depression that hit in the late 2021.
Orange kept an open mind about anything he was told by his supervisors. They give him money. He has an obligation to his company and to his government. As the Great Founder Joseph said, "ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you!" This gave Orange a sense of security, legitimacy. The knowledge that he is given all he needs. The knowledge that if he is harmed, it's not his cross to bear. The knowledge that there is no real problems.
The knowledge.
The knowledge.
No one can ever lie. No one can ever harm. We are good. We are right. We are perfect. Egalitarian.
Any sort of panic or fret had drained from this young mans heart. "Alexa, request London broil. Two pounds," said he.
Alexa replies,"fresh London broil steak, 32 ounces ordered"
Orange was having fun, reading and watching the Central News Coverage. When he felt hilariable, he would watch moving pictures. He had been told he will be scolded if he watched too much. The public opinion is very important in his society.
On the news, they were stating all the people who impede on the Chinese-American Alliance Code. There were three in his community, in which they were taken to the Care Facilities and then shipped off to where we do not know. Some say they become laborers who build all of these buildings, but the high law is much too charitable to even come up with a criminal process with which they handle these criminals. They most likely are put into other residence in various provinces for not observing tax laws, taking off the mask, and worst of all, discrimination against high offices of the law, all the way down to coworkers. A society in which there is minimal diversity, I'd find this quite honorable of someone in the fact that they had been able to come up with any euphemism for a colleague or supervisor.
What a strange thing it is...
Discrimination. After making physical preach illegal, that seemed to be the highest priority crime, but they make discrimination number one, but nae. It's much worse to voice your belief in a higher power, especially of that higher power changes your opinions on any of the high courts issued laws. What I heard from the news once is that someone had forced a candidate to go off of insemination prevention medications. The mayorial candidate was then labeled as a pariah and a criminal. She was unregulatedly impregnated by someone who had obtained an illegal projection arm.

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