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It's been an entire week since I last saw him.

I had started going to class in Westminster school and I have to admit, it was great having a fresh start.

Nobody knew me here.
I could be the person I've always wanted to be, and nobody would question my actions.

I was free of the shackles that had held me down as amara, as well as of the shoes that I had to fit myself in as amelia my twin sister .
Here, I was simply amara. No more, no less.


Students scrambled to their feet as the final bell rang, signalling the end of our last period for the day.
I waved goodbye to my classmates, as I too walked out of the room and down the corridor.
Glancing at the window pane, I saw drops of rain that started to pelt the sidewalk.

How cool, I muttered to myself. Why did I forget to bring an umbrella with me of all days?
I'll have to stay a bit longer then.

That didn't sound too bad. Besides, I didn't want to worry my mother-she already had enough on her plate, running the business and all.
So I held back, watching the flurry of students make their way out of the school in a hurry.

A few minutes later, I found myself alone on the school steps.
Settling myself down on the last step, I pulled my knees up to my chest before holding out my hand to the sky. Right as I felt the raindrops soothe my skin, a memory flashed in my mind, unbidden.

"aidan! What are you doing?"

I was laughing as we ran upstairs into the rooftop.
It was lunch break already, and it so happened to rain.
That fact alone was enough to make him excited and giddy.

He tugged on my hand gently, slowing down just a bit.
"Just hurry up, amara! Can't you go any faster?"

By this time, we had already reached the rooftop.
"Let go of my hand, you stupid ," I shrieked as I tried to flick his forehead.

"You, amara!
You haven't lived yet if you hadn't played under the rain at least once in your life."

"hey aidan! Stop it -" my protests had ended almost immediately, because within seconds I was drenched in the rain.

Aidan held my hand tightly as he doubled over in laughter, preventing me from taking shelter.
His face was so full of mirth, that even I couldn't stop myself from grinning despite the situation we found ourselves in.

When we had both calmed down a little while later, he turned to me with a smile.



"You know, sometimes, you just have to let your problems be washed away with the rain. When it gets too hard, I mean. It will help you feel lighter. Even if it's just for a little while."

"amara." Hearing my name made me snap back into reality.

"What-" my heart almost jumped out of my chest when I saw the face that had just graced my thoughts.. "a-aidan, what are you doing here?"


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