Chapter two

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Patrick's p.o.v

I walked into the bus, feeling empty and alone. My best friend attempted suicide, and may die tonight.

I went over to Petes bunk and saw a folded piece of paper placed neatly on his pillow.

I instantly reached for it, taking it from its place on the pillow. I took in a deep breath as I unfolded it. Well, here goes nothing!

Dear friends (or what you believe yourselves to be),

Yes, I killed myself!! If you are surprised, than, fuck you!! You obviously haven't been watching me!!

I hope you all (whoever ends up reading this) actually cared about me. You see, this wasn't about me not feeling loved. Well I didn't feel loved, but I wouldn't kill myself about that.

I did this because of a discovery. The reason Ashlee dumped me!! It's because, you guessed it!! I am gay!!! Hurray!!

But that's not my problem, Nope. It's who I fell in love with. Who I fell hard for. A man I would take a bullet several times for. A man who I would give everything I have for.

But, it wouldn't work out. He's my best friend. He's in my band. He's too good for me. And wort of all, he's straight.

His name is Patrick Vaughn Stump. And by golly, I hope he never reads this. Joe, Andy, Brendon, if any of you read this, NEVER tell my little pattycakes that this is basically because of my love for him... It would kill him.

I am truly sorry that I had to end it this way, but after I saw that Patrick noticed something was up, I had to end it sooner!!!

Xoxo Pete Kingston Wentz the third

I felt the note fall to the ground, as it slipped out of my fingers. Pete did this because of me.

I let myself drop to the ground. I killed Pete. I killed Pete!!! I allowed the terrible thoughts to enter my mind.

I'm such a terrible person!! I KILLED my best friend!! He is laying in the icu because of me!!!

I start to hit my hands against my head, I'm a fucking idiot! I grab my phone and call Andy.

A: hello?

P: a-Andy?

A: Patrick!! What's wrong?!?!

P: I-I killed P-Pete!!!

A: no, Pete did this to himself, Patrick.


A: Patrick, what the hell are you talking about?

P: I-i found h-his suicide n-note..

A: I'm leaving now, and you are going to show me this damn note.

Andy hung up, and I felt tears free-fall from my eyes. God, I feel so pathetic.

Andy finally arrived, "show me this note he wrote!!" He demanded. I handed him the note, staring at the wall.

Andy read the note, eyes widening, "Pat, you were NOT supposed to be the one to find this." I just nod in agreement.

Andy kneels next to me, "None of this is your fault, okay?" I smile softly at him, "okay, let's go to the hospital and see if there is any more news on Pete."

Andy nods and helps pull me to my feet. We walk off the bus, and climb into the cab he came in.

After a quiet drive, well, aside from the cab driver failing at flirting with Andy and I, we finally arrive at the hospital.

Andy and I walk into the waiting room, and we see a smiling Joe, and a smiling doctor.

"Whoa!! Why are you all happy!!!" Andy exclaims. I just kinda hide behind Andy.

Joe grins, "A certain bassist decided to evade death, and shock the doctors and nurses by waking up!!!" I let out a sigh of relief, he's okay.

Andy claps, "well, why don't we go see him??!!" The doctor smiles, "well, actually, he asked that no one sees him until Patrick sees him alone."

Everyone looks at me, and my eyes widen. "R-really?" I stutter. The doctor nods, "let me lead you to his room!" I nod, and the doctor starts to walk down a random hall.

After like, a minute he stops at a door, and opens it. I take in a deep breath and step in.

I look over at the bed, and my heart crumbles. Pete was attached to several machines, and looked so frail and tiny in the hospital gown.

When I walked in, Petes eyes brightened, and he sat up. "Patrick!!!" He squealed!! I walked over to him and smiled softly, "hey, Pete."

Pete frowned, "what's wrong, Patrick?" I start to cry, I let myself fall apart in front of him. "Why... No, how c-could you d-do this??!! To Andy, t-to Joe?!?! T-t-to m-me...?" I choke out.

Pete grabs my hand. "I'm sorry, pat. I just, I just thought I had to at the time. I didn't think how it would affect anyone."

My head shot up, "damn right you didnt!!! I read the note Pete!!! I found it!!! This is all my fucking fault, isn't it??!! All of this-" I gestured to all the wires and machines, "is because of me!!!"

Pete shook his head, "that's how you may think of it, Pat. But how I see it is, that I am too cowardly to admit my own feelings, let alone live with them."

I sniffled, "So, it's not my fault?" I ask. He smiles and shakes his head, "Not one bit, Pattycakes!!!"

I glare at Pete, "Never call my Pattycakes again." Pete shakes his head, "hmmmm, naw, you seem like a pattycakes to me right now!"

I roll my eyes, "whatever.... Petey."
Pete starts to protest, "Hey!! You know I don't like to be called Petey!!!" I smirk, "How about a deal, you don't call me Pattycakes, and I don't call you Petey!!!"

Pete mocks thinking for a minute, placing his forefinger on his chin. "Hmmm, no can do, Pattycakes!!"

I groan, "whatever, Peter Pan."

Okay, so right now, I think that wattpad may have deleted the first chapter of this story, so if you are reading this what happened is that Patrick noticed Pete acting strange, asked him if he was okay twice, Pete always said he was okay. Later that night pat went out on a walk and returned to find Pete on the bathroom floor with cuts up and down both of his wrists, and an empty pill bottle.

I will try to see if I can retrieve the chapter, but the world hates me so :\

Anyways, I am sick right now, and my mom is being a total bitch right now. I mean I'm laying in bed, coughing to the point to almost throwing up, and she comes in and screams at me about my music and making me turn it off, then she slams my door shut as hard as possible!!! Like wtf, mom, really?

Anyways.... I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter!!! It took me 3-4 hours to write, so I really hope you guys like it!!! >.< also I would appreciate it if you would vote or comment!!! But I don't want to force you to...

Xoxo sanity👻

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